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Boundary Waters / Quetico Discussion Forums >> Rendezvous in the Boundary Waters and Quetico >> Planning a Fishing-based Wilderness Canoe Trip

Message started by Old Salt on Jan 11th, 2017 at 1:15am

Title: Planning a Fishing-based Wilderness Canoe Trip
Post by Old Salt on Jan 11th, 2017 at 1:15am
That's the title of our show at Copia this year. The whole show runs March 10-12, 2017 at the Alliant Center in Madison, WI.   (You need to Login or Register; Wally 13 and I did this show back in 2014, which many attended, SRO as I recall. This years show keeps the best of our last show and we've added some new ideas and twists. You won't want to miss it. We're scheduled on Saturday at 4:30-5:15 pm in the Bear Room (upstairs). It's a larger room than we had last time. 8-)

Rich Williamson, aka ‘Old Salt’, and Mike Porter, aka ‘Wally 13’ are both seasoned Quetico veterans. They are well-known and highly respected bloggers on such sites as QuietJourney.com, Bwca.com, and Paddleplanner.com.
They will conversationally discuss the planning process and decisions that need to be made well in advance of the trip departure that can enhance or undermine the success of a trip before it begins. By definition, a fishing-based trip is a trip focused on maximizing available fishing opportunities.
Are all participants on board with fishing as the primary goal? Several questions need clear answers well ahead of departure. Who is going?  When are we going? Where are we going? Which lake(s) will we fish on? Rich and Mike make suggestions for good methods for gathering pre-trip intelligence. Suggestions will be shared for using recent technology to enhance your fishing success. Tactics, strategies, and weather all are factors that we will discuss. Come to hear some practical advice and tips to maximize your fishing time in your favorite wilderness areas.

Due to the timing of our presentation, we will begin gathering for our annual QuietJourney.com dinner at 6:00 pm. More details will be posted later on that. We look forward to seeing many of you at Copia and our dinner. 8-) Make your plans to attend, and reserve your rooms at the Country Inn & Suites (another thread). Don't miss out!

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