25 Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references (Read 48488 times)

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Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Mar 16th, 2009 at 3:05am
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Cliff Jacobson gave an entertaining but somewhat frustrating presentation on "bear-proofing your camp" at Canoecopia this weekend.  He's a GREAT speaker, but he spent 90% of his time making 2 points: bears are smart and bears climb trees: these are two important premises to remember when bearproofing your camp, but I was hoping for a few more specific recommendations!  With only 5 minutes left he said, "I don't hang my food pack, I hide it; and I control the odor of my food..." Then the lights came up and the show was over  Angry 

He gave several book references:
Bear Attacks -- Their Causes and Avoidance (Herrero)
Bear Encounter Survival Guide (Shelton)
Expedition Canoeing (Jacobson)

Has anyone read these?  Do they contain the specifics that were missing at the lecture? 

We had a bear in our camp last year on Polly L...first time in 20 years.  It was actually kind of exciting, but it made me more curious to know what to do and what NOT to do.


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Old Salt

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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #1 - Mar 16th, 2009 at 3:16am
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While I did not hear the lecture, his advice is what many of us practice, and what I have done for years with no bear problems. The debate of hanging vs hiding has been debated here. A search of 'bear-proofing' will likely yield good results.

My system is that all food is in freezer ziplocs. The individual zips are in a plastic tote box. The tote box is in a plastic pack liner, which is rolled shut. The whole works goes in a pack with all of the straps cinched tight. Then it's wrapped in a plastic tarp & hidden. As a final touch, a bear alarm is set with a large pot or two.
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #2 - Mar 16th, 2009 at 3:06pm
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OLDSALT-this is what I do 2....But I vacuum bag rather than ziplocks and the food pack has two plastic liners bags-wet food is a drag. The garbage is kept to a minimum and double bagged in extra ziplocks and plastic bags-dry garbage is e-zer, and EVERYTHING is packed out. I also use the pot alarm technique (one can use beaners and pots even when hanging foodpacks) or stash the pack under the canoe. I also ask for the problem bear reports, so I know what I am walking into, forest service and outfitters that covering your entry point is a good place to start. I hang the food when I have a heads up that there is a Bear that has been habituated I also do not leave my food pack and such unattended, even on the portages, if I have a report. Polly is notorious, actually the lady chain....Heads up on the busy routes/lakes. On the busy lakes I hang the pack and am very aware of my personal goals, do not contribute/create a problem bear. I am sure that there is much info on the levels of aggression regarding Black Bears and all of the "dos and donts", dont forget that an understanding of their biology is very helpful too. I have had Bears in camp, portages, and encountered them on backpacking trips, I think the most important things is to keep your head.......DAAAH!  and we are the culprits in the creation of problem Bears. Use your ears and eyes and noses on the portages and when cooking.....I have headded a couple of bear experiences off just by being familiar(accidentally) with what smacking bear lips sound like! I wonder if there any audio tapes of black bears-how about the bear center as a resource?- isn't there one in Ely or is that Hovland? Heard the bear noises on the Kelso Mountain portage once and smelled the odor of rotten food the food pack did not leave my side nor did my 4 year old and a week latter we saw the bear on the return trip swimming across Zeineth(are island camps bear free u be the judge). I have also had a BIG BEAR in camp on Beth, saw him skirt the camp during the baking of a pan of brownies the food pack was spread over a 100 ft2 area and my 2 yrs old was watching the fire.....needless to said I got a lot of looks the next morning-I assume that was from all of the big noise and yelling I did when I walked the Bear out of camp-The big boy was not real fast on his departure-that made me mad and the noise reflected that-But I knew what I was walking into as I had been warned from the folks at Sawbill that there was a problem bear on the Lady chain-latter that summer there were packs being taken of the portages by what I assume to be the same BIG BEAR, great potential for the bear hunters as this guy was the biggest black I have ever seen including the trips to Ontario. I got to know the bear aggression sounds, sort off the same sound as the sucking sound that is made when walking through deep mud, on a superior hiking trail trip when my group came across a sow with cubs on one memorial day weekend-I needed to retie the boots and when I came across them they were snapping flash pictures of the sow-25 yds off the trail-and the two tiny cubs that were in a tree-needless to say I got them moving again and left the moma  and baby bears in peace. Well, I guess those are my stories and input....be responsible and educate yourselves. Dont forget about wannagans and other "bear proof" food containers-I also use nalgene jars when I pack the food......Here is another ? Does one respond to big cats the same as bears-there are differences and they should be discussed.....PREPARATION for all of the POSSIBILITIES!
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #3 - Mar 20th, 2009 at 12:40am
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Big cat procedure:

1.  Bend over
2.  Place your head between your legs

I assume I don't need to type out #3.  Huh
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #4 - Mar 20th, 2009 at 4:03am
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Puckster wrote on Mar 16th, 2009 at 3:05am:
Cliff Jacobson spent 90% of his time making 2 points: bears are smart and bears climb trees:

Shocked Bears spend even more time on the ground than in trees...so I like to hang my food pack.  They also enjoy swimming so island sites are not sure to keep them away either.
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #5 - Mar 20th, 2009 at 7:03pm
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Intrepid_camper: Agree, and agree!  We hang one pack, and use the tub for non-smelly, non-greasy food. 

Last year on Polly, saw a bear swim from our camp out to an island, and he/she enjoyed themselves at the expense of some very frightened campers! 

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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #6 - Mar 21st, 2009 at 1:01am
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GrinGo snow dog!
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #7 - Mar 21st, 2009 at 7:05am
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prouboy - Google this phrase:
"Cliff Jacobson" +"ask any newcomer"
See <insert heavy sigh> the 2nd result, Pg. 188

Jacobson is a wonderful speaker/ententainer. He really honestly is. That said, I do not support many of his "bear proofing..., storm proofing..." assumptions nor do I believe his advice applies in the BW/Q where we have no way to control what odors and/or lessons were provided by the party that camped at a site days/weeks/months before us. I believe bears, just like people, are opportunistic creatures of habit, mostly looking for the easiest path to pleasure and timing is everything. Hey, whatever works.

Odors and plastic? Try this test:
Grind some coffee (or whatever - substitute dead fish...if need be - in any case, something "we" might notice) and seal it up in a plastic bag. Put that bag inside another plastic bag and hide it in your car. The next few times you open the door, consider the belief that a bear's sense of smell is said to be ~7 times better than a bloodhound's and  (what?)  2100 times better than ours. Sit bobo sit. Good dog!

Cliff has always seemed, to me anyway, proud to say he's never had a problem. I've conveniently hung my toothpaste (my bad) for 20+ years too. Do teeth holes in my gas can make me more or less knowledgeable? No, it's a good story though.

He has a plan, as do I, as do others. Choose and apply any ideas you find that might work for you, add your own ideas and cross your fingers. Forget about your food and your trip. Share your findings, considering their cumulative effect on those that follow in your footsteps.
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #8 - Mar 21st, 2009 at 10:43am
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db wrote on Mar 21st, 2009 at 7:05am:
bear's sense of smell is said to be ~7 times better than a bloodhound's

And consider this. A bloodhound is able to track a human being by sensing the trail of sloughed dead skin cells left behind even a fast running person. If you have any allusions of "smell proofing" your food, camp or even your tracks forget it. If a bear comes into your camp it will know what you had for dinner, and if you opened your food box in camp mr. bear probably knows what meals you have planned for the rest of your trip. Being opportunistic he probably evaluates the strength of the smells and then determines if it is worth the effort to try and capitalize on it based on past experiences. Keep the smells to a minimum and keep the food relatively inaccessible and you might win the game most of the time.
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #9 - Mar 21st, 2009 at 4:06pm
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Great points all. 

In the interest of sharing everyone's bit of wisdom/practice on this subject...

I had a conversation at copia with a Canadian vendor selling the custom bags that fit inside the blue food tubs.  He told me his technique for trying to protect against bears getting into the tubs...he carries a wet washcloth in a double-baggie on all his trips.  The washcloth has been soaked with liquid antiseptic or an anti-biotic.  Each night he thoroughly wipes down the tub with the washcloth, then returns it to the baggies.  His thinking, the bear will smell plastic, metal, and antiseptic....not food.  He's never had a problem with bears.  (Like Jacobson!)  I'm going to try this next year.  What the hell, it can't hurt. (Unless bears like antiseptic...)

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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #10 - Mar 22nd, 2009 at 2:10pm
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Go to your bulk food store and get a big jar of cayenne pepper. Powder that barrel with it every night. I don't think a sensitive nose would like that. Like a bear spray, only cheaper and more proactive.
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #11 - Mar 22nd, 2009 at 9:29pm
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Interesting, Jacobson warned against doing that very thing -- dusting stuff with pepper powder --  during his lecture at 'copia!  He said bears don't like pepper spray, for sure, but black bears get used to it, and actually like to lick pepper off things.  He said grizzlies and polar bears never get used to pepper spray.  He said he's seen black bear lick pepper spray that was sprayed on canoes...go figure.  So his advice, don't practice with it...use it only to ward them off. 

I think everyone has a system...whatever seems to work.


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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #12 - Mar 22nd, 2009 at 10:58pm
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I've said this before but I'll say it again...the best defense against bears is to be careful with your route and campsite selection.  Stay out of areas known to have problem bears and check each potential campsite carefully for bear activity.  This is easier to do in Quetico where there are fewer problem bears and (usually) fewer problem campers who may have stayed at a site before you.

Beyond that, I prefer to camp on smaller islands (less reason for a bear to even bother to check it out, unless he's learned there is sometimes food to be had), out on the tips of long peninsulas with lots of open water around, and avoid necked-down areas where bears might choose to make an easy crossing of a lake.  Bears can and will swim, but prefer to walk.  Take advantage of that.

Other than that, keep a clean campsite, fillet fish away from camp, and seal up your food.  I don't have too many illusions about odor these days.  Odor-proofing isn't bearproof, but it can't hurt.

As you said, prouboy, whatever seems to work.  Proving a negative is hard..."bears can't find my food if I follow [insert your system here]".  It's like trying to prove Martians don't exist.  Just because we haven't seen any isn't any kind of proof at all. 

Study the "enemy" and know his habits.  Design your system around that, knowing nothing is foolproof.  It works until it doesn't work.  You're never more than 2 days away from civilization so you won't starve.  You just might have to end a trip early due to another of the many hazards in the woods. 

Life is a calculated risk.  It goes much better when you know more variables in the equation.
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #13 - Mar 22nd, 2009 at 11:39pm
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I agree with you Snow_dog. 

I have been traveling in canoe country for over 20 years, and last year was the first time I encountered a bear.  By no accident, it happened on BWCA's Polly Lake...definitely the kind of high-use area that grows habituated bears! 

One bear in over 20 years...not a bad average.  Largely I think because I've spent most of my canoe time in Quetico, Woodland Caribou, and Wabikimi. 

I thought it was unfortunate that Jacobson, in his lecture at 'copia, never alluded to this fact. The room was packed.  Obviously the idea of bears and the fear of bears is a big draw, and sells books.  To his credit, Jacobson did say the only bear issues he's had have been in Skaskatchewan, or was it in Manitoba? (I'm not sure.)

I used to work with a black bear scientist, who liked to tell people that they have way, way more of a chance of being killed by bees than by bears. 

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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #14 - Mar 23rd, 2009 at 5:10am
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Actually islands, especially the smaller ones in spring are bear magnets since that's where moose like to calve. The one that ate my gas can had an earlier fight with a cow over her calf.

After their argument, she saw me and stopped only long enough for her calf to catch up didn't care one bit I was standing on the path and just kept coming. She walked around my tent and right through the middle of my campsite, calf in tow. I just scrambled to get out of her way. She kept an eye on me with a wild look I'll never forget.

The bear followed them until it found me and decided to try his luck on something smaller. He didn't give up so I left the island and went a couple hundred yards to the closest mainland to repack and have breakfast. As I began unloading I see that darn bear swimming right towards me. So I load up again, grab a few rocks and paddled out for a meet and greet assuming he couldn't catch me in the canoe, I made it as unpleasant for him as possible. He had a bad morning overall. Tongue I figure I gave mama moose an hour or two head start.

Anyway... I walk around a lot. Dug up ant hills occur just as frequently on islands as mainland in my experience. I came across a shredded green pack on Rawn and a blue pack on Lookout Island (Pickerel) once and that's in the middle of nowhere. I think they don't really care how they get where they think a meal might be waiting.
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #15 - Mar 23rd, 2009 at 11:15am
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I hear ya, db.

We all have our systems that "work".  None are foolproof.  I know bears do go to smaller islands, but it's been my experience that they visit those campsites less frequently than mainland campsites (unless there's something yummy on the small island to draw a bear there...)

We just all have to find a spot on the risk-reward curve that makes us comfortable and that is where we camp, system-wise.
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #16 - Mar 23rd, 2009 at 1:50pm
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Now I remember, too much fun reminiscing... I've had three other instances on mainland where just letting 'em know I was there, got one out of camp as I returned and the other two just kept on moving. Neither came back to my knowledge.

As a human that applies human traits to all creatures, if I were a bear that took the trouble to swim out to an island, I'd be harder to shoo, considering I'd have to swim all that way again on an empty stomach with nothing to show for my effort.  Cheesy
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #17 - Mar 23rd, 2009 at 7:11pm
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Left out of this discussion so far (I think) is mention of cooking.   I don't think it matters too much how well you have smell proofed your food storage, if you are base camping and cooking up bacon in the morning and fish in the evening.  Really strong odors like that are going to be a bear magnet for any bear downwind a mile or two.

An educated bear is going to know that there is good stuff in that camp, somewhere.

standard advise for camping in Grizzly country - cook dinner, clean up, then move on a mile or more and then make camp for the night.  Wonder why?

basically, except in the case of a problem bear like that one on Polly, its mostly a matter of luck that bears aren't all that numerous, and mostly, aren't in the same place at the same time we are, so any system will work for the most part.

Never had a bear in camp in Q, but have had issues with portage robbers a couple of times - those bears just know that there is food in one of those packs, in one of those canoes, and if they don't smellfood, they will keep looking anyway.

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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #18 - Mar 23rd, 2009 at 8:08pm
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Mad_Mat wrote on Mar 23rd, 2009 at 7:11pm:
Never had a bear in camp in Q, but have had issues with portage robbers a couple of times - those bears just know that there is food in one of those packs, in one of those canoes, and if they don't smellfood, they will keep looking anyway.

All good thoughts, starting with the basics of a clean camp.
I worried about the "portage robbers" my first solo, double packing leaves the food pack vulnerable, and taking the time to hang it, didn't seem very feasible.
 Being a inventive type guy, I bought a personal safety (jogger) alarm and adapted it for a pack alarm. As IC will attest, its very loud and shrill. At the size and weight of a deck of cards, its worth it for a little extra piece of mind. Would be good for emergency signaling device, NOTHING in nature sounds like that, so should attract attention?
Attached to the food pack, I can't imagine ANY critter being able to tolerate its high decibel screech right in its ear Shocked
 IF it could, it must be old and deaf, and needs the food far worse than I do Grin

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Jim J Solo

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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #19 - Mar 23rd, 2009 at 8:31pm
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Puckster wrote on Mar 22nd, 2009 at 9:29pm:
Interesting, Jacobson warned against doing that very thing -- dusting stuff with pepper powder --  during his lecture at 'copia!  He said bears don't like pepper spray, for sure, but black bears get used to it, and actually like to lick pepper off things.  He said grizzlies and polar bears never get used to pepper spray.  

Good thing, far more dangerous.

PB, Thanks for the info.

I do more like what S_D says in practice. Just thought the cayenne idea would work. Never tried it.

PB, Did Cliff mention Bipolar bears. I hear they can be unpredictable. Grin
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #20 - Mar 23rd, 2009 at 11:09pm
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He didn't mention bi-polar bears!  But he did ask the crowd, (standing room only) which is more dangerous:
1. a wild bear, never experienced with people
2. a hunted bear, one that has been shot at and knows that aspect of humans
3. a habituated bear, accustomed to people

almost everyone said # 3.  Jacobson said NO!  Jacobson said it's the wild bear...specifically, the YOUNG wild bear just kicked out by mama.  He equated this bear to a young teenager....their brains not quite fully formed. Very unpredictable.  No fear. 

How do you know what kind of bear you're looking at?  Circumstantial.  He said, if you see a bear in full daylight come into camp...be VERY wary...most habituated bears will sneak in at night.  The full daylight bear has no fear and you don't know what he/she will do.  Jacobson said in this case body language is very important.  Look big.  Put on your pack.  Look confident.  Get in a group if you have one.  Grab the little kids if they're around and put them on your shoulders.  Young bears like this are bullies, and if they think you're bigger, and not afraid, based on body language, they'll move off. 

I have a summary sheet...if I could figure out a way to put it in electronic form, I'd share it here. 

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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #21 - Mar 23rd, 2009 at 11:59pm
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  That's why some of us carry Bear Spray, in the event we confuse a #1 with the other two Grin
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #22 - Mar 25th, 2009 at 2:29pm
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How many instances of injury from Bears have been recorded-in the BW and the Crown Country? Curious also about the demographics-activities, was there a dog present, sex of the humans and bears, etc. Are there links and such......What about big cats?
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #23 - Mar 25th, 2009 at 6:52pm
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assuming you are only referring to canoe country and not grizzzly country -

off the top of my head, 3 fishermen killed by a single predatory black bear in Algonquin Prov park - 10 or 15 years ago - they were spread out along a stream fishing, and the bear stalked each one in turn and killed them

about 3 years ago - Missinaibi Lake (Ontario) - a woman was killed at camp, her husband got chewed up some while he was trying to rescue her

about 3 years ago - on a portage, a bear attacked a solo paddler and/or his dog - guy killed the bear with his knife

no cats -( they just follow me around (in CO) - on average in CO there are maybe half a dozen bears chewing on people issues - in 2000, a drought year, it was more like a dozen cases - search QJ and you'll find several cat threads, and many times several bear threads)

but doggies

wolves killed a surveyor trainee (I think he was) in the winter at a logging camp in Sask? or Manitoba ?  tracks in snow clearly showed that the guy was stalked and run down by the wolf pack - um, 2? years ago

2 or 3 years ago - wolf attacked a child on a beach BC I think, near Vancouver - mom saved the kid, but got bit some

there may be others, those are the ones that come to mind

     some are listed here
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #24 - Mar 26th, 2009 at 1:46pm
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Thanks-mad mat
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #25 - Apr 2nd, 2009 at 4:30am
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Read Cliff's article and can see what you mean.......Hey Cliff can you answer the question?
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #26 - Apr 2nd, 2009 at 2:16pm
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I do what SnowDog does, regarding choosing camp carefully (page 2 of this thread).  I also gave up carrying bacon, too much fat weight compared to what food value is in it.
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #27 - Apr 2nd, 2009 at 2:49pm
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I'm a Homer Simpson when it comes to my bacon.  You can have it when you pry it out of my cold, dead hands.

I precook my bacon at home to about 80% done, then mash it between paper towels to soak up as much grease as possible.  Then I transfer one meals worth onto a new paper towel, wrap it up in the paper towel, and then vacuum seal it.  These packages start the trip frozen and I just open one anytime the menu calls for it.

My bacon stays fresh for 10 days at least (as long as my trip lasts) no matter what the weather.  I do keep it in the soft-sided cooler to keep it cold as long as possible, but even before I started bringing a cooler, I had no problems with spoilage.

When I pull it out to use it, I just heat it up in the frying pan after the rest of breakfast has been cooked.  Warm it gently or you'll burn it.  I usually end up with a teaspoon or two of grease at most to dispose of.  You'll also have a greasy paper towel to burn but as long as there's no fire ban, that's not a problem.

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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #28 - Apr 2nd, 2009 at 10:59pm
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Sometimes we bring a bag or two of real bacon bits on our trips, just to add some extra taste to macaroni casserole, eggs, or chicken wraps.
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #29 - Apr 6th, 2009 at 1:47am
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I thought the Bacon thing was a doggy treat commercial and Homer was into the BEEEr thing. I am with yah on the bacon thing.  Chocolate cake thing always brought them into camp for me!
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Re: Bear-Attack
Reply #30 - Apr 12th, 2009 at 10:45pm
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Bear Attack, showing Easter Sunday night at 9pm on Discovery Channel.
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #31 - Apr 16th, 2009 at 6:01am
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A bit of a twist on this......

I had the good fortune of a Moose hunting trip in Alaska with some college friends this year.  We were 5 miles into the mountains, and a long day's tredge through swamps and mountainous terrain from the trucks. 

The biggest issue throughout the week were the 3 dead moose we had hanging in game bags by day 4.  There were definitely Grizzlies in the area, and the MN contingent (which consisted of 2 out of 8) had some serious concerns about what might happen.  The weather was sufficiently cool to age the moose well, but I was amazed we didn't get any big, brown grazers in the 8 days we spent up there.

To make matters even more sketchy we often got back from field dressing moose around 1 am.  We would eat "dinner" and head to bed.  I was never comfortable with the lack of clean-up that was done (dirty pots sitting in the cook tent), and expected to wake up nightly to find myself with a bed partner who was looking for more than a good cuddle.

I have to say I would never be this brazen in the BWCA, or ever again in AK, for that matter.  With grizzlies within a mile or two from our camp, I can only think:

1.  We were INCREDIBLY lucky
2.  These bears didn't yet associate us with food.

Maybe the dead carcasses sitting in the bush helped, but we didn't see any sign of feeding on those either (with the exception of some very satiated ravens).  The closest we came to large mammal "danger" was the pack of wolves that patiently waited, and howled, just a few hundred yards away as we field dressed our second moose early in the week.

Maybe we have some of Cliff's luck, but I wouldn't trust it again.  Sleeping that close to bear spray and a .44 isn't something I care to repeat in the future, and we plan to work on this parties cleanliness and habits on our 2010 trip.
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #32 - Apr 16th, 2009 at 8:19pm
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 From everything I've read or seen in PBS specials, I would say you guy's were more than lucky than anything else Shocked
  I guess the idea of being in a large group with weapons makes some people feel "safe".
  I'm guessing the bears had a another kill or something that kept them occupied?
  I think I'd invest in a Bear Fence for camp, or at least the Sleeping tent area? A clean camp is more than a good idea too.
  IF a bear decided to come into camp at night, having 8 guys running around and possibly shooting would really be a bad scenario.
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #33 - Apr 21st, 2009 at 2:09pm
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Hi, folks. 

I'm new to QJ, but wanted to says thanks for taking the time to provide your thoughts re bear-proofing.  I've been fortunate to be healthy enough to canoe in the Northwoods for 35+ years and have seen a bear only once.  It was actually on my very first trip (1973).  I was 13 at the time and was canoeing with my next door neighbor for several days on Moose Lake.  I witnessed a bear near our camp run across a creek...looked to be chasing after a small deer...only lasted a few seconds, but I still have the vivid memory 35 years later.

Anyway, for the past 10 years or so, I've always kept a fairly clean camp and ground my gear and food pack, even having the food pack with me in the tent at night sometimes.  Instead of bear spray, I carry a small air horn (the kind used on boats or at sporting events).  I figure a good blast or two of this would frighten any bear aiming at my pack.

Now, after reading on this topic in various forums, I'm beginning to wonder if I'm just being stupid....or perhaps ignorant and just lucky....so far.

Is the air horn a good choice?  Can it replace the need for repellant?  Maybe use both? 

Is it ridiculous to even think about keeping the food pack in the tent?

Thx, again.

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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #34 - Apr 21st, 2009 at 2:21pm
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pine_knot wrote on Apr 21st, 2009 at 2:09pm:
Is it ridiculous to even think about keeping the food pack in the tent?


Losing your food would be bad.  Losing your tent and risking serious injury or death would be worse, IMHO.  Bears aren't real good with zippers.  Can you really find that air-horn that fast out of a dead sleep anyway, presuming that it even works as you intend?  You probably won't know about the bear until your tent's been ripped wide open and he's standing on top of you (quite possibly literally right on top of you  Shocked).  I think that would be a poor way to test your system.

I do like the air-horn idea, though, as a scare tactic.  I just wouldn't want to put it to use in tight quarters.  No telling what sort of reaction it might provoke if you were within a bear's reach...and in a prone position to boot.
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #35 - Apr 21st, 2009 at 4:00pm
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I've been lucky enough not to have a bear in camp (so far as I know) since I started paddling Quetico in 2002.  However, I've seen bear on three separate occasions that were close enough to where I was camped that they could have easily made the trip ... 2002, solo bear on Kawnipi; 2004, sow and cub on Burntside; 2008, solo bear (2 separate sightings of "same" bear) on Suzanette.  While not sighting bear on other trips, I will generally find recent paw prints or scat on portage trails.  So, I'd have to classify your lack of bear sightings as being "unlucky."

Since I sometimes travel solo and I also backpack in the Rockies, I've been carrying bear spray for probably 15 years.  I've yet to upholster it, but I prefer a deterrent to an annoyance (sound device).  I've seen a number of films where bear spray actually dissuaded Brown bears (Grizzlies).  

I also keep a clean camp and I'm also a confirmed hanger (multiple pulley system).  I'm not even comfortable with chapstick or toothpaste in my tent.  

So ... I'm mostly with Snow-Dog on this one!

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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #36 - Apr 21st, 2009 at 4:07pm
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I carry both bear spray and a sound device, its a jogger alarm that I rig my food pack when portaging and its out of sight, and also is in my tent at night.
IF I was lucky enough to wake up to a bear NEAR my tent, I would probably pull the pin and set off the alarm (loud like a smoke detector).
IF I woke to the bear ripping into tent, I'd probably take a deep breath, close my eyes and hit him with the bear spray point blank in eyes/nostrils. Hopefully he/she would leave, and I could make it to a water source to flush my eyes Cry
Having said this, I would still go tripping IF none of these modern devices existed.
 Being a solo paddler, my worries are probably a little different than a tandem/group traveler?
 IF the bear would kill me with a quick blow or bite to the neck, that's one thing, my fear would be that he/she would maul me so bad that I couldn't travel, or signal for help.  Laying wounded in the bush waiting to die or having the scavenger waiting in the wings isn't something I want too experience.
 There are different types of bears as most of us know. The camp bear who recognizes humans as a meal source, and the rare, but dangerous, rogue male (usually), who sees US as the meal.
 You can chase the camp bear off with rocks/sticks/noise, at least temporarily, but the rogue bear isn't going to be deterred by a puny human with a rock or stick.
 IF your unlucky enough to be attacked by a bear like that, you better be prepared for the fight of your life. Nothing beats a clean camp, food away from camp, and personal awareness, but for a little "insurance", I don't mind lugging a little extra firepower.
 I'm a BIG believer in expecting the best, planning for the WORST Wink
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #37 - Apr 21st, 2009 at 5:58pm
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I'm sure you meant 'un-holster', but I did get a pretty funny mental picture over Quote:
I've yet to upholster it
.   I was thinking maybe a nice brocade like on a couch....

What are folks doing in the burned over areas? Hard to hang food - short of finding a handy cliff.

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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #38 - Apr 21st, 2009 at 7:58pm
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Mister_Bubble wrote on Apr 21st, 2009 at 5:58pm:
I'm sure you meant 'un-holster', but I did get a pretty funny mental picture over Quote:
I've yet to upholster it
.   I was thinking maybe a nice brocade like on a couch....

Maybe I was reflecting back on a test where I got a little "blow-back."  Yep!  I felt pretty upholstered! (I'll take tear gas any day!)

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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #39 - Apr 21st, 2009 at 8:30pm
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I'm sure you weren't laughing when it happened, DD, but that would have been really funny to witness   Shocked  Grin

...and thx for the previous advice on bear-proofing
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #40 - Mar 12th, 2013 at 7:34pm
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There are a couple references in this thread to a rigged jogger alarm (i think IC and ST).
Do you still use/recommend them? How did you rig them?
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #41 - Mar 12th, 2013 at 9:06pm
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zski wrote on Mar 12th, 2013 at 7:34pm:
There are a couple references in this thread to a rigged jogger alarm (i think IC and ST).
Do you still use/recommend them? How did you rig them?

I got my set-up for when solo and leaving food pack unattended at one end of a long portage or when I saw fresh scat and knew a bear was in vicinity.
Mine is really just a jogger/personal alarm about the size of a pack of cigarettes and runs on 9 volt battery.
It has a on/off switch and a pull pin attached to short lanyard.
I set food pack off trail and put alarm in food pack side pocket or secure under flap and tie the lanyard to tree/limb, using extra cord if necessary.
Idea is if bear grabs pack, the noise will scare him off, it's very loud, like a smoke alarm.

I've read that doesn't deter some bears, but I don't know how anything could listen to that hi-decibel sound blasting in it's ears for long.
If nothing else, it will alert you to the problem and you can easily track the bear by the sound if it manages to carry it off. Undecided
You could probably use it in the right circumstances as a emergency signaling device if you don't have a whistle for that purpose.

You could also use it like a perimeter alarm similar to how they did in Vietnam.
Tie off the alarm to tree near your tent and string fish line around area your trying to "secure". Keep it high enough little critters won't trigger it but bears would.
I don't know how a moose would react to it late at night so use that idea at your own discretion/peril.  Grin
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #42 - Mar 12th, 2013 at 9:51pm
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The first few that i looked at didn't have a pull pin (or i didn't see it) but now its pretty obvious... Wink
And i'd like it for the same reasons. if not a deterrent, then at least an alarm that something has moved the pack at the other end of the portage. 
:dankk2 !!!
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #43 - Mar 13th, 2013 at 12:34am
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I usually travel solo and have not had a problem with bears.  Had a small one - the size of a Newfoundland dog - in camp Sept. 2010 but ran it off (I wanted to pet it but knew better).

Anyway, my dog serves as the smell-ability tester of my food pack.  He knows what goes in the Bear Vault because he smells it on the way in.  When it's loaded, I close it up and set it down.  He looks at it, gives it a single sniff, and turns away.  As soon as I open the lid, though, he's right there.

I do the same thing with the other food containers, which hold either low- or no-odor items, all packaged in Ziploc-type bags that don't transmit odors, such as those used for dog treats.

Bears' noses are supposedly much better than dogs' but until I find a better tester I'll continue to rely on my current method.

Also, I stash my food pack in a low spot, since odors sink at night.

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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #44 - Mar 13th, 2013 at 6:36am
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We keep our dog's food right next to his bowl. He's not interested until he hears the bag and gets real excited when it's open and the cup makes that digging sound.

He's never touched or even shown any interest in the bag itself. The situation and timing matter more to him than hunger and smell from a not very well closed bag I guess. He could bump it and it would tip over spilling the contents but I'd bet he wouldn't eat his fill unless everyone was home and walked past it. They all know their place I guess.

There was an interesting little discussion about bears and gas at our Copia dinner. I have a bottle with bite marks in my office and it seems that's not as unusual as I thought. Still not going to bother hanging my fuel bottles since my toothpaste (that hangs in a mesh bag within easy reach of the fireplace at every campsite) has never been touched by any mammal besides humans.

I'll always hang my rum with the food though.  Wink
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #45 - Mar 13th, 2013 at 1:54pm
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I have a bottle with bite marks in my office and it seems that's not as unusual as I thought.

I wonder if it's the gas smell that attracted them, or the human scent/oils from handling them that they find appealing Undecided

I never used to hang my toilet kit, but one year I left my little toothpaste tube/brush in a cup on the rim of the fire-pit overnight.
I woke to find a little red squirrel holding the toothpaste tube and eating/licking it's contents Huh
I wish I would of had my camera handy. When it turned to look at me, it had white foam all over it's face. Looked like Mad Squirrel Time Grin
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #46 - Mar 13th, 2013 at 2:15pm
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db wrote on Mar 13th, 2013 at 6:36am:
I have a bottle with bite marks in my office and it seems that's not as unusual as I thought.

I think bears just learn to test things by biting into them and seeing what oozes out. Maybe, no???
I have a friend that has bite marks in a book he took camping.
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #47 - Mar 13th, 2013 at 7:54pm
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At the Quiet Journey supper I mentioned how bears near my MN cabin liked to bite my motor oil and gas cans. The motor oil containers seem to be the preferred lube.For a few years there was a problem at a canoe access point because a bear was biting tires and the black rubber bumper strip on that was popular at the time. There is a strong odor to these when the sun heats them. Woods lore said to put Pinesol around and the bears would leave them alone. Which begs the question; Is it the smell or the fact that it overwhelms all other odors? I splash Pinesol around my cabin when I leave and the break-ins have ceased. I am not sure if its a lucky charm or actually works.
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #48 - Mar 13th, 2013 at 10:32pm
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; Is it the smell or the fact that it overwhelms all other odors

Pinesol contains between 8-12% pine oil depending on the scent formulation.
I suspect that along with the strong pine odor the other chemicals probably mask other odors and the pine scent is familiar to the bear and doesn't arouse his curiosity/food drive?

I've read that old time Pine Tar soap is a good choice for personal hygiene in Bear country for the same reason.
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #49 - Mar 14th, 2013 at 5:23pm
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I agree with JJS...bears just BITE everything!!!  They are often more of a nuisance because of that than from stealing one's food pack.
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #50 - Mar 15th, 2013 at 6:26pm
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I feel the need to offer a lighter alternative to Pinesol.

The guy that lead my first trip handed out a gear list to everyone. One line near the end of the list was bear repellent. Next year at the orientation, someone asked what that was. As I recall he kinda dodged the question ... calling it a joke.

A few years later I was at his house drinking beer so I asked him outright. Turns out it was mothballs.

I only offer that alternative as Pinesol gives me an instant headache. A little sachet of mothballs would be lighter and you could take it with you from one campsite to the next ... and home with you.
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #51 - Mar 15th, 2013 at 6:39pm
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So...if I want to keep you and your friend from coming into my camp and drinking all my beer, I should use mothballs? Didn't even know they had 'em.
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #52 - Mar 15th, 2013 at 7:02pm
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jimmar wrote on Mar 15th, 2013 at 6:39pm:
Didn't even know they had 'em.

Took me a while.    Grin   Thanks for that.
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #53 - Apr 4th, 2013 at 5:56pm
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #54 - Apr 5th, 2013 at 1:00am
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db wrote on Mar 15th, 2013 at 7:02pm:
jimmar wrote on Mar 15th, 2013 at 6:39pm:
Didn't even know they had 'em.

Took me a while.    Grin   Thanks for that.

Some twisted part of me hoped db's link built on jimmar's reply. Grin

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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #55 - Apr 5th, 2013 at 4:56am
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db wrote on Apr 4th, 2013 at 5:56pm:
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Jeez, that's all we need,  a five-minute screaming siren that goes off whenever some critter wanders through the noob-next-door's camp.

A couple of years ago, I was on a day hike in the Rockies and a pair of hikers in the same area had one of those horns that are supposed to scare bears away. It was annoyingly loud even when they were a couple of kms off on the other side of the valley. And sound doesn't carry nearly as far in the mountains as it does in lake country.

I think some parks now have a "no vuvuzelas" regulation - I wonder if that would apply to pack alarms too.
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Re: Bear-proofing camp....Jacobson's references
Reply #56 - Dec 21st, 2022 at 7:41pm
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Eh, why not? It's silly season.

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