I carry both bear spray and a sound device, its a jogger alarm that I rig my food pack when portaging and its out of sight, and also is in my tent at night.
IF I was lucky enough to wake up to a bear NEAR my tent, I would probably pull the pin and set off the alarm (loud like a smoke detector).
IF I woke to the bear ripping into tent, I'd probably take a deep breath, close my eyes and hit him with the bear spray point blank in eyes/nostrils. Hopefully he/she would leave, and I could make it to a water source to flush my eyes

Having said this, I would still go tripping IF none of these modern devices existed.
Being a solo paddler, my worries are probably a little different than a tandem/group traveler?
IF the bear would kill me with a quick blow or bite to the neck, that's one thing, my fear would be that he/she would maul me so bad that I couldn't travel, or signal for help. Laying wounded in the bush waiting to die or having the scavenger waiting in the wings isn't something I want too experience.
There are different types of bears as most of us know. The camp bear who recognizes humans as a meal source, and the rare, but dangerous, rogue male (usually), who sees US as the meal.
You can chase the camp bear off with rocks/sticks/noise, at least temporarily, but the rogue bear isn't going to be deterred by a puny human with a rock or stick.
IF your unlucky enough to be attacked by a bear like that, you better be prepared for the fight of your life. Nothing beats a clean camp, food away from camp, and personal awareness, but for a little "insurance", I don't mind lugging a little extra firepower.
I'm a BIG believer in expecting the best, planning for the WORST