Re: maps


I have a map of Quetico at a scale of 1 inch = 2 miles that is not bad for getting an overview of the park. It is titled "Quetico Provincial Park" and is map # 56 A. It appears to have been published by the Ministry of Natural Resources in Totonto. It indicates that maps at other scales are available by contacting the District Manager, Ministry of Natural Resources, Atikokan, Ontario, POT 1C0.

You seem to be in search of a map that shows the entire area in detail, and that is something that may not exist. If you want a lot of detail, you may need to purchase several overlapping maps at a finer scale to see what you want.

The most detail I am aware of will be on the Canadian National Topographic Maps, at a scale of 1:50,000 or about 1 kilometer per inch. At that scale, you'll need 8-10 of them to cover the whole park, but you will have wonderful detail. If you call the people at the MNR, I'm sure they'd be glad to help.

Once you decide on a trip you can get additional details for your journey by ordering aerial photographs of the area. The MNR folks can help here, too. I rarely embark on a trip without both the Canadian topographic maps and the aerial photos, too. They add a whole new dimension to the trip.

The commercial canoe maps are good to consult for additional portatge information, but the previously mentioned maps are indispensible if you want the whole picture.


Posted by Tom Swulius on January 02, 2000 at 22:54

In reply to: maps posted by mark a on January 02, 2000 at 20:09
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