Re: maps

Unfortunately, the superb waterproof (printed on tyvek) Quetico map that the Quetico Foundation put out for a number of years has been discontinued this past year. They have replaced that virtually indestructible high quality map with a NON-waterproof paper satellite photo map of the park, which is also available in a larger-scale series of four satellite photo maps which give better detail, but are also printed on non-waterproof, easy to ruin with moisture, paper. I bought a set, but they do not include all portages and some are not correctly marked, either. Those of us lucky enough to own the Foundation's waterproof map will no doubt keep them close at hand--I called all over Atikokan and Park HQs to try to locate another one last September and was told they sold-out immediately after the announcement was made that they'd been discontinued. Although that map only covers Quetico, it was frequently updated and far more accurate on portage locations, distances, and markings than either the Fisher or McKenzie maps, which have some errors that can cost you quite a bit of time trying to find portages on some of the less-traveled lakes. Again, this is just Quetico info. McKenzie did (probably still does) put out a large single planning map that covers a lot of the area, but its not on tyvek and not suitable for taking on the trip, just for route planning.

Posted by Jeff on January 03, 2000 at 00:13

In reply to: Re: maps posted by Greg on January 02, 2000 at 21:48
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