Re: Beaverhouse Entry to Moose Lake

Would your budget support a fly-in / paddle out option? Many Ely-based outfitters offer this option: plane fare is about $250 USD / person (I think, don't quote me on that).
RABC is required for all remote entries into the park since the Customs sheds were closed, unless you're driving and entering Canada via International Falls or Thunder Bay Customs. If you pass thru Customs, you will need a copy of your passport or a birth certificate and a picture ID. Your partner will need a passport, since he/she is not a US citizen.
I would suggest that you exit Agnes through the S-chain of Lakes (Silence, etc. to North Bay of Basswood). The S chain is a very pretty route, and the portages aren't bad at all.
The portages out of the southern end of Agnes are real stinkers after a trip of that length. The first portage westbound is very striated/glaciated rock with a couple of challenging hills. The second isn't all that hilly and the footing isn't bad, but it's eternal. You would miss the Louisa falls, however, unless you paddle south to see the falls and the "bathtub", then backtrack about 3-4 miles to the portage into Silence.

Posted by Skip Guyer on January 22, 2000 at 19:51

In reply to: Beaverhouse Entry to Moose Lake posted by Tony Lang on January 22, 2000 at 17:50
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