QF: We decided to stay on the Canadian side after a September trip in '96. The fishing wasn't what we wanted, although that could have been weather, and there wasn't the "wilderness feeling" we find in the Quetico. Don't ask me why - the Shield is the Shield - we just got a feeling that we were still too close to civilization.
We also prefer the fewer regulations on the Quetico side. We like camping where WE choose, as well as doing other things where we choose. The "potties" are bee and other bug magnets - I'd prefer not to be stung while contemplating nature.
We also prefer that the trails and campsites not be maintained for us. We're old enough to clean up after ourselves, although we've cleaned up after too many who passed b4 us.
And, the BWCA side seems to be more crowded. We like the idea of camping on a portage lake that we have to ourselves (we use campsites that are established - we don't chop out new sites. If there's no established site, we camp on the "main lake" and portage in to fish or photograph).
We understand that the USFS has an incredibly difficult job to maintain the "pristine" qualities of the BWCA - but if they didn't maintain the trails and "potties", and make it somewhat easier for all to enjoy the park (I would hate to deny anybody the chance to enjoy the park, I just don't think it should be made too easy - witness Yellowstone), then maybe those who can't or don't want to emulate the wild bear wouldn't go in and it wouldn't be so "crowded"
Posted by Skip Guyer on February 04, 2000 at 11:22
In reply to: BWCA? Quetico? or both posted by Quetico Fan on January 26, 2000 at 13:08