Re: Battery Life

Dave and Harry: Yes the batteries last all week. I have used alkaline batteries or even heavy duty batteries and gotten good life out of them. I don't know exactly how long they will last but I have used them for ice fishing when I got home from the trips. If you remember to turn them off when you dont need them you probably could get several weeks at least. I use duct tape to hold them together and put a wire from the + terminal of one to the - terminal of the other. As for how does it work; it helps me locate reefs, drop offs, and scour holes. I very seldom see the fish on the graph (I may not know how to interperate the info on the graph properly) but it sure helps to identify structure. It also lets me know what depth I'm fishing at.

Posted by Quetico Fan on February 08, 2000 at 12:22

In reply to: Battery Life posted by Harry on February 07, 2000 at 14:56
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