Re: Walleyes on SPOOKS and other spook stories

While I've not personally caught a walley on a spook I saw my partner do it with the biggest model Heddon makes . It was during a portion of the mayfly hatch cycle when the walleye were "slurping" them near the surface . Unlike the commotion created by bass/northern when they're chasing baitfish - & certainly unlike the activity when stripers are after cisco - this is not very obvious.
My personal Spook favorite was when a big owl hit it & took off . I was able to successfully release it (covering their eyes does work!) .

Posted by Bwani on February 16, 2000 at 09:43

In reply to: Re: Walleyes on SPOOKS and other spook stories posted by Skip Guyer on February 16, 2000 at 08:14
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