I made my first trip last year, and struggled with the same question. I obviously can't give you an answer based on years of experience, like some of the other posts have done, but I can give you a newbie's perspective. Last year I took two pairs of shoes...Teva sandals (for camp), and an old pair of running shoes (big mistake). I started off portaging in the running shoes, but after a few days of water, mud, etc., they began to come apart, and to wear blisters where seams came together, so they stayed in my pack until I could get back to throw them away!. I made the rest of the trip in the Teva's, using no socks when portaging, and with wool socks in the evening at camp. Obviously, neither pair was a good choice for portaging, although I plan to stay with the Tevas with heavy wool socks for camp. I was extremely careful on portages, but still feel very fortunate that I didn't end up with a broken toe or sprained ankle. For this year's trip I have a pair of 12" high leather top/ rubber bottomed boots, and have sno-sealed the leather uppers and seams. I got mine from LL Bean, but Cabelas sells similar boots that are cheaper. Since my trip will be in early June, I was afraid the weather may still be cool enough to make wet footing it a little uncomfortable. I made this decision after reading books (both Michael Furtman and Cliff Jacobson recommend them), and most importantly, after posting a similar message as yours on "the other" forum. There is some great information in that thread (probably 1 1/2 to 2 months back)from people with a lot of experience. There is little agreement over "wetfooting" or "dryfooting" but one thing almost everyone agrees on is to support your ankles and protect your feet and toes. I worry about water coming over the top of my 12" boots, but some who wear them say that rarely happens if you're careful, and when it does just to keep an extra (dry) pair of insoles and wipe them out. I guess I'll see for myself in about three months...can't wait. Hope you enjoy your trip as much as I did mine. It's an awesome place! Posted by Bill/TN on February 28, 2000 at 18:34 In reply to: footwear posted by bsman on February 26, 2000 at 22:02 |
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