Re: Duluth Packs

We have never used Duluth packs -- we have several large "dry bags" which have pack straps, and put our soft stuff in them. For food and gear, we use the plastic Rubbermaid "tote" boxes (14 or 18 gallon size), and a "freighter" pack frame (with a small shelf) to carry them. They are quick and easy to get into, sit well in the bottom of the canoe, and can be trussed up for hanging easily. The tops will withstand spray and rain to keep contents dry. Odd shaped gear goes in nicely as well.
Unknown: so far we have never toppled a canoe to see if the boxes float -- I suspect they do not. Using the plastic liners might provide some insurance toward bouyancy.

Posted by Rob in VA on March 07, 2000 at 20:29

In reply to: Duluth Packs posted by Hug on July 25, 1999 at 10:50
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