Trips from Atikokan

I'm looking forward to another great trip ino the Quetico this summer. This summer I'm leading a crew into the Nym Lake entry point for a 9-day trip. 3 adults/6 Boy Scouts. In past years we have done a through trip from Atikokan to Ely (Moose Lake). Our scout groups can normally do about 100-120 miles in the 9-days. This year we are planning a loop with exit point at Nym or Sue Falls. Can anyone recommend an interesting route with no outrageous portages that covers about 100-110 miles in 9-days.

We'd like to include the McKenzie/Ferguson area into the trip but see no good route expcept to double back once we get in there. I was into that area as a boy and would now like to show my sons who will be along on this trip. Is the Ferguson to Cache River portage still open? Is it still as swampy as I remember from years ago?

Posted by Walt Michel on May 21, 2000 at 11:05

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