Re: Need some advice

I have been to all of the lakes that you are interested in visiting. If you are looking only for a day trip, I think your only option is to follow Bentpine Creek and fish March and
Bentpine Lakes. It normally will take us about 3 hours to travel from the falls on Sturgeon to Bentpine Lake with loaded canoes and double portaging. I have only caught
walleyes and northerns in March and Bentpine, but fishing is normally very good. As with all lakes, it helps to know the "hot spots". Trail Lake is also nice to visit, but fishing is either fantastic or horrible. You probably cannot visit all three lakes in a single day. This route is a very enjoyable trip and you should have no trouble doing a day trip.

The other lakes that you mentioned require alot more work to reach and return in one day from Sturgeon. Poohbah is huge and really deserve more than a day trip visit. Wink is a very nice lake, but there is really no easy portage to get into the lake.

If you would like more information, you can e-mail me at

Have a good trip!

Posted by John S. on May 30, 2000 at 11:52

In reply to: Need some advice posted by Jody on May 24, 2000 at 10:04
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