Posted By Qwen H on July 22, 1999 at 17:15 So much for the "leave nothing but footprints" adage. How many people were in her original party? Did you stop at one of the ranger stations (customs - anything?) to see if anyone was reported "missing"? Is that what Ely was for? Wacken someone up-side the head with a paddle has momentarily crossed my mind on occasion, mostly because people leave garbage or worse, but leaving a person (with essentially nothing) stranded there? Who would even consider it an option? Much less allow it under the circumstance. Everyone has stupid impulses, but imagine paddling away, for what, a day or two with not much else to occupy your mind. Is that a genetic defect or did a few mothers fail big time. Here comes that urge again. Would someone please hand me my heavy wooden straight shaft. I've always found that Quetico has a multitude of ways to expose someone's character. Sounds like you guys did your good deed for the year. Choose your partners well my friends.