Voyaguers National Park???????

Ok, I'vebeen a little spoiled. I've done a few Quetico trips and evrywhere else I go pales in comparison. I'm getting married in july and my good friends have decided to pop for a trip to the backwoods in lieu of the traditional premarital party (thankfully). Due to limited time and money a Quetico trip isn't possible. They have decided on Voyaguers. All of my travels have been north of the border so I am completely unfamiliar with what to expect "down south". I'm hoping that someone has some advice to offer me about Voyageurs. We've got four days in late june. I am hoping to here of someplace in that park where I can get away from motorboats and car tourists. (All the info I've found on the net is geared towards the motor-locomoted). Looking for a little wilderness solitude, Help please. Any info would be appreciated!!!

Posted by David on June 02, 2000 at 13:05

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