Excellent storm info

Posted By QuietJourney on July 23, 1999 at 01:36

We have been fielding e-mails the last few days about the storm damage. Using the theory that for everyone who asks there are twenty more who have the same question. Here are two excellent sources of continuing information. All three links will open in the same new window.

The Minnesota DNR's site has always been, in our opinion, one of the best sites on the web. http://www.ra.dnr.state.mn.us/bwca/ gives a good idea of the extent of the damage. You can zoom in and check your favorite lakes. http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/ Has a link to a damage map in .pdf format that is worth downloading. Many campsites are marked and it states that all portages but one are passable. The .gif file is dated the 15th and doesn't contain the same level of detail.

http://www.gis.umn.edu/snf/ The Superior National Forest site also has good information. Follow the Storm damage link near the top of the page.