Re: Lets talk it up guys

Welcome. You sound a little out of breath. Relax. Take those wet boots off. Come have a seat by the fire.

Your offer of a trip report sounds great - looking forward to it. As for your question...
Try as I did to keep it similar to the established norm, it didn't sound right. I found this was much easier for me to write in the third person. You asked, so here it is:

He's pushing 42, blissfully married. ("hey, she paddles too") Better half is currently baking a little one whom both parents hope will grow up with the opportunity and desire to seek out and experience nature in it's finest form. For what it's worth, ex-commercial photographer, who became fed up with shallow self described beautiful people enough to chuck it and become a freelance web designer. Prefers to be seldom seen and much less heard. If by chance on a portage trial, you see a tall skinny guy with a pony tail ("until they become trendy again") carrying a well scratched white Sawyer Cruiser and an odd looking bentshaft on one of his three ("count 'em, three times two equals six") trips, that might be him. Likes to think of himself as a knowledgeable Quetico veteran willing to share, while deep down always hoping to be shown he's the one who's been doing it all wrong by someone with similar goals who's obviously found a better path to get there.

His first trip in '81 was a college course with a huge group of people and borrowed equipment. On it he even used the only directly applicable skill ("other than catching fish") he brought with him - knowing how to swim. Over the years, he's worked hard to refine equipment, companions and expectations. What started as a lark worth 3 credits, eventually changed his life, by constantly reminding him in no uncertain terms what is truly important. Claims his solo trips have evolved into what he refers to as "reverent pilgrimages that strengthen the spirit and nurture the soul. And besides, I get to fish." Posts from him, especially these long ones, usually reflect those perspectives.

So there it is. I'm not sure if it's transferable to the page or not. I'll let you guys decide. Pick and choose if you like. In any case, for those with the time that choose participate, the bios (especially the abstract page) is a wonderful idea. My commitment to what I've started with QuietJourney (The portage database needs updating I know and yes I do work on the virtual trip from time to time) not to mention family and life in general tend to limit my reach for new obligations. For the record, and thanks, I've always looked for an opportunity to say this; If I would have found CanoeCountry's board (I looked, but at the time it was in shambles - due to a hacker as I recall) I wouldn't have bothered with this one. Now I sort-of think about the two as the downtown sports bar and my corner tap. They both have their place. Tending at this one seems right for me. I just don't have the time and energy to do both as well as I'd like. I for one will be here when you feel the urge. Stop in any time. There's room under the tarp. We'll toss another log on the fire for you too.


Posted by db on October 13, 2000 at 03:37

In reply to: Re: Lets talk it up guys posted by therock on October 09, 2000 at 14:44
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