It needs alot of help.

Ok now if you remember I told you guy's that I'm not a poet. I really want you all to share in this and feel free to make all the changes you want. These are just some words I've put down there is no order to them so help me finish this if you can. Then as we near the finish I think all of us should decide together as to how it should read. Good Luck I'm looking forward to seeing the out come of this.

Lead me on through the way to where I go.
I cross again the path I've come to know.

To each his own a special a special breed.
The more I want the more I need.

The campfire amber bent and twisted.
I sit here thinking I almost missed it.

Lesson: Lesson: you can hear.
That fallen tree somewhere near.

The northwoods calling the spirits sing.

I pass through another year.

The seasons come the seasons go.
As I leave you must know.

Here is the place to be.
So close and near to me.

Soon to pass the time again.

ok I know its not much but let see what we can do. Thank you for letting me share this with all of you.

Posted by Greg on October 16, 2000 at 00:54

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