Hey Greg, Personally I've always thought "wilderness camping" BW/Q style is easier than campground camping since no innocent bystanders are around to see my (insert embarrassing moments/pain/misery here). I know the feeling. I never want to be responsible for causing another's misery... much less my own. Be sure it's her idea. I always shared the high points first. Then if there's interest, I start in on the possibly misery - the possible sheer misery - really trying to talk 'em out of it by laying it on thick. If she still wants to go she's been warned. From my "meant to be humorous" list, the important one is #6. You have a friend who couldn't possibly get on your nerves. It's impossible to be on your best behavior 24/whatever with out a break. Some less obvious challenges... The effects are cumulative. Posted by db on January 03, 2001 at 03:23 In reply to: Newbie posted by Greg on December 31, 2000 at 11:43 |
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