Re: Easy route suggestion request

Hey, you're not asking anything beyond than what most of us want!

Whether it's an easy route or not, my suggestion would be trying to stick mostly to one you know well. That may not, at first, seem satisfying for the explorer in you, but it will avoid the unexpected hardships a totally new route can cause. Besides, it's all new to Megan and it seems like if she's happy, everyone will be. That in itself will go a long way in making your trip as easy as possible.

Weather is always the deciding factor in any trip. Concentrate on the things you CAN control in case it doesn't cooperate. Knowing exactly where hungry fish, sheltered campsites, etc., are (or not) is always a good plan when error needs to be kept to a minimum and mother nature sets the mood. I for one, never met a lake I didn't like - at least after I got to know it. When you think you've experienced everything a particular lake has to offer is when she truly begins to reveal her hidden wonders to you.

I don't mean to nix any suggestions, but I vote go with the route you're most sure about. That way, with any luck, you'll get a chance to try a new one with the whole family next year.

Posted by db on January 13, 2001 at 12:59

In reply to: Easy route suggestion request posted by Kimmers on January 08, 2001 at 11:11
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