Re: First timer looking for suggestions

Although there are smallmouth in Agnes, its so big its hard to find any good fish with consistancy. I just returned from a trip where I caught 25 or so over 4 lbs, two over 5 and one over six. (slightly better than average trip for first week of June) Focus on the mid sized lakes. I like Slug-0's and tube jigs. I respect the guy who said to file off the barbs. I haven't gone this far yet but I will tell you that the cook in my camp (me) goes on strike for the week if a knife touches a Smallie. If you need fish to eat there's plenty of Pike and Walleye. Lets keep this the trophy paradise that it is.
My favorite lake? Cant remember the name off hand.

Posted by Ron on June 16, 2001 at 08:15

In reply to: First timer looking for suggestions posted by Roger on June 13, 2001 at 15:31
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