Re: The Legend of Yukon Jack; Chapter 2

you all have no clue about The Mighty YUKON JACK.!! As you all know Yukon Jack is a taste born of hoary nights, when lonley men strugled to keep their fires lit and cabins warm.YUKON JACK is a special breed of Candian Liquours that seems oh so right to me! I've drank a lot of different beers,wines,whisky(canadian and american), vodka, rum,brandy,scotch, name it.. but YUKON will always treat me right. Never a hangover, or ill stomach, no poops,just treats me right! I have never found anything that treats me as good as YUKON! Simple.. just a little YUKON in a glass with some ice....mmmmmm just right. It doesn't make me nuts like other stuff does. I don't know.. it just treats me right!!

Posted by runnakko on July 10, 2001 at 00:30
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In reply to: Re: The Legend of Yukon Jack; Chapter 2 posted by johnny on May 24, 2001 at 16:29
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