In many ways nature photography and photography in general is a lot canoe camping. Everyone follows their own path and they stick to it tenaciously because it's worked for them. (Then every year or so technology makes both much easier. Some ride the bleeding edge, others are more cautious) As a burned out commercial photographer I actually know what I'm doing once in a while. Big deal! For proof there are some truly great shots here in the visitor's album. I'll bet none of the photographers even considered jumping through most the hoops I take for granted. I go with the specific intent to do everything I possibly can to allow for that "great shot" if it ever comes along. Unfortunately too many things need to come together at the same time and I only have control of the minor ones. Quality of light is always the most elusive. Keep an open mind. Screw the rules, know your tools. Practice. Practice. Practice! Bottom line, be prepared in case you ever do get lucky. Bracket exposures. Experiment. Plan on wasting lots of film. I've always been able to fill a tray for a post trip slideshow, but Quetico is a hard and frustrating place to shoot. The obligatory sunsets, the grand vistas, the "look where I was" type shots are always nice. But... If besides the usual stuff I end up with ~five timeless images that everyone hasn't seen before... images that please me, my wife and few trusted critics, I figure I did very, very well. Posted by db on August 21, 2001 at 14:44 |
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