This is a very difficult thing to recommend - a SOLO trip of only 4 days! I've gone twice; For one week in Early October ,1999, up the Little Indian Sioux River , from the entry pt. #9 to Bootleg lake and beyond. Also ,for two weeks in mid September, 2000, through entry pt. #1 into Trout Lake and all the adjacent lakes , and as far as Western lake (and hiked to Glenmore but didn't paddle it.)
The worst part of going solo was the multiple trips taken to get all my stuff across the portages! My ambition is to keep cutting back on the amount of total weight & bulk of my gear and eventually be able to haul it all in one or two trips MAX, instead of 4! The problem comes down to logistics- take only what you NEED, and Don't bring anything else!! After a few trips you begin to get a feel for the Quantity of food, types of clothing, size of tent, boat, and amount of miscelaneous items that are worth hauling! Of course there are considerations given to interests such as weather extremes, interests in fishing, photography, nature studies, cooking, survival preparation, navigation, comfort(foam pads/chair, sleeping bag, rain gear, reading materials for times spent waiting out foul weather, etc. etc.!)
I'd highly recommend exploring areas near to where you've been before, and at times of year close to your last trip, so that you can develope a "sense" for what to expect on your next trip - until you've been at it a few times and have perfected your overall technique/style, and developed a sense of your tolerance for self-imposed hardships that are a part of minimalist (SOLO) camping. Above all else: Remember YOU WON'T HAVE ANY ASSISTANCE, until you emerge, (or are found by rescuers!)
Preparation is EVERYTHING!- (What to , and Not to bring!)
I hope these comments help; Have a GREAT TIME, and think SAFETY FIRST!!!
Posted by Guy Smith on September 01, 2001 at 02:13
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In reply to: SOLO Trip posted by TROY on July 16, 2001 at 20:24