Re: Blackstone Lake ?

I spent a couple of days on Blackstone in June of 2000. I don't think Blackstone has any walleyes, but it does have bass, pike, and lake trout. The best campsite is on the small island just of the Northeast shore, at the point where the lake forks. There's another decent site on the South shore, directly across the lake from the primo island site. Blackstone is not in the blowdown area. The stream route out of Blackstone to Saganagons is a very pleasant paddle, as long as water levels are up. If the water is low in July, it could be a long poling/pushing/slogging expedition.

Posted by Harry on January 28, 2002 at 08:42
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In reply to: Blackstone Lake ? posted by Mason's Helper on January 26, 2002 at 13:21
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