Re: border crossing

Yes you will need a RABC permit. You can apply by phone, mail or online follow this link
You can download the application there.
The Customs Station is now a store to buy quetico stuff. Part of the Quetico Foundation I think. You use to check in there a few years ago but they changed that. The Ranger Station at Prairie Portage will take VISA or MASTERCARD but they do a radio call in on the card and if time is important to you take cash. It will take you another 20 min of waiting likely. As far as checks I don't think they will.
You can call Quetico Provincial Park for trip information at 807-597-2735. If you are using an outfitter you can ask them and they will I believe apply for the permit as well. I myself only rent canoes. Therefore I just apply on my own. I'm not sure as to the cost for camping in the park around $10 a night per permit, plus if you are going to fish you will need a liscense there are different one's as are the cost depending on which you may want.
Good Luck

Posted by Greg on February 28, 2002 at 15:53
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In reply to: border crossing posted by lah on February 28, 2002 at 14:46
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