Re: Mudro entry point campsites

Last June we came in from the north and camped on Moosecamp, then continued south through the river. Seems to me there was a fair amount of water through there (though very slow moving) and I don't think you'd have any trouble in July. Very pretty area, huge beaver lodges, some cliffs. Hoped to see Moose but didn't. We used the farthest west campsite on Moosecamp and it was quite nice for swimming, tentsite, cooksite, but very buggy. The other north shore campsite(s?) looked great from the water (i.e., nice rocks) but were full. The campsite(s?) on the eastern end of the lake seemed to be in a busy location and I don't remember noticing anything about them.

Haven't spent any time on Boot or Fairy.

Posted by lah on April 18, 2002 at 12:04
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In reply to: Mudro entry point campsites posted by James Millard on April 18, 2002 at 11:26
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