David added this item on August 16, 99
Don't forget the painters. For cold weather trips waxing it will keep
your thighs dry. (Painters are ropes for front and back.)
On August 12, 2003 Jonathan wrote:
It is also a good idea to pull the canoe up above the shore
and tie it to a tree. Bad storms can raise the water level and
high winds can blow your canoe to kingdom come.
On August 28, 2005 Jeff wrote:
Make sure to bring uour canoe ;-)
On February 20, 2006 D. Nei wrote:
For my canoe I use 2ft lenghts of pipe inslulation so I don't
chafe my legs or knees while sitting in the canoe. They are
already slit so you can just slip them on. At times I even used
an adhesive so they wouldnt slip off during portages.