
David added this item on August 16, 99

keep the water sloshing around your feet (knees) to a minimum.

On July 30, 2002 canoejack wrote:

also very useful for any puddles or dripping in the tent!

On July 19, 2003 flpaddler wrote:

A large sponge can also be used for a warm sponge bath making keeping tent mates happy.

On July 12, 2004 Jeff Kwallek wrote:

I'd recommend deleting the sponge--I've never used one in my thousands of miles of paddling, often in heavy rain, but I know many think a sponge or bailer is requisite. If my canoe is filling that full of water, I get off the lake and empty it; if it's raining that hard, you won't be able to keep up with it for very long anyway, in my view.

On April 09, 2007 BigLum wrote:

A sponge works great for cleaning out the bottom of the canoe after a muddy or sandy portage.


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