
Mark Cherne added this item on August 25, 99

The one essential that is even MORE essential as I age is a hammock. The small, packable kind with no "bars" on the ends, they cost about 5 - 10 dollars and after a long day, are worth their 1/2 pound weight in platinum!

On January 18, 2004 Pam Schumacher wrote:

We have been using these cheap hammocks for years and now can't find them anywhere. They used to sell them at Walmart for 4 to 5 dollars, and now, gone. Do you know of a source? Ours are on their last legs.

On March 13, 2005 neal oberlee wrote:

early may 2004 i brought the byer's of maine mosquito hammock on solo trip. it's under $40 and weighs 16oz. will never leave home without it!! weather was terrible for first 2 days, rain and high winds out of northeast drove me off water by noon both days!!! had to set up camp in "bush" as couldn't make campsite. set up "dryfly" tarp and hung hammock underneath, slept dry and bug free!!! worked so well i used it the rest of the 10 day trip and never set up my tent!! might never bring a tent again?? but will always bring the hammock!!! when you stop for lunch what could be better than a "afternoon" nap in a bugfree hammock!!!

On July 08, 2006 keith kelley wrote:

been sleeping in a Hennessy Hammock for five years and have almost forgotten about what its like getting wet in a rain storm or trying to find a smooth spot among the roots and rocks of the Adirondacks


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