
anonymous added this item on October 04, 99

for hanging wet items in a breeze

On October 11, 2000 northwind wrote:

easier to hang them on a line and let them blow in the breeze than to hand those wet items in a breeze (it's so hard to get hold of a breeze!) lol

On July 30, 2002 canoejack wrote:

I use diaper pins - lighter and smaller, and you can use them to repair other things when necessary. Pin them THROUGH the line to keep clothes from sliding around

On February 11, 2005 Sue wrote:

Here's a Hint. Fold large rope in half, twist nicely all along and then hang like that. You can secure items amoung the twists eliminating the need for pins at all.

On May 09, 2008 Jackson wrote:

Better than Sue's post, braid 3 thin lines together, tie off at both ends. poke ends of clothes, towels thru line braids. Works in any wind.


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