
John added this item on July 13, 2000

This is a stove that burns small twigs and branches. Each site is a ready made fuel source from other campers scraps. The twigs burn in a unit the size of say a peak one stove with a small fan (2 AA or 1 D battry unit)that sends air up thru the unit to act like a blacksmith forge. The heating times are as good as my peak-one stove. The advantage is no fuel to carry or accidently leak. Really cuts down on the weight during a fire ban. I find it very handy on solo or two person trips to use this stove exclusively.

On May 17, 2001 Mike Hoffman wrote:

I have used charcoal briquets in my Zip stove they do not require constant "blower" action and one briquet smacked with a rock will simmer the pot for quite a while. I also like the way you can cool the unit with the blower and have it packed up almost immediately after cooking with it.

On August 25, 2004 gary wrote:

you can also burn the charcoal from the previous camper's fires, pine cones, bear scat. Zip stoves are great!


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