QuietJourney.Com Paddler's Olive Jar

Name: Ben
E-Mail: benson_AT_yahoo_DoT_com
Date: Wed Aug 10 10:00:19 2005
Visits: I don't remember

Good Site!

Name: john wartman
E-Mail: jwartman59_AT_yahoo_DoT_com
From: minneapolis, mn
Date: Thu Jul 28 01:07:53 2005
Visits: Camped there many times

this is strange, i've canoed the bwca uncountable times, and have canoed throughout the Canadaian artic and Alaska on many month long trips, but I've never been to the Quetico even though i've lived in duluth. Too much red tape for a screw ball like me. but I'me going next week. I feel like I'm going to paradise. if you see me I'm the guy in the wenonah canoe with the really strange brother. you won't be able to keep up with us, i guarantee. I have an illness and i think this will be my last chance to see these lakes I've always dreamed of.. somehow I have to make it to yum-yum lake, take a smoke portage, and the maligne river. i will file a report on the handicap accessabilty of the portages. live each day as if it is your last. i've been lucky and have lived well. remember your never really living unless your in a canoe in the north. john

Name: Sean Keck
E-Mail: seankeck_AT_hotmail_DoT_com
From: Fifield, WI, USA
Date: Sun Jul 24 22:54:23 2005
Visits: Camped there many times

I was a guide in Quetico 11 years ago now. Not a minute goes by without something I learned there effecting my thoughts. If reincarnation is true, I am a reincarnated voyaguer.

Name: Paul
E-Mail: ppolak_AT_uic_DoT_edu
From: chicago, IL. U.S.A.
Date: Fri Jun 17 19:42:01 2005
Visits: Camped there many times

Fantastic site, memories evoked. Parents honeymooned on Moose Lake Sept. 1949, I arrived in June. My first trip to BWCA was 1965. Canoeing, camping, Dorthy's rootbeer, black bears, fishing and MN state birds(mosquitos). Later trips new friends, marriage, children age 4 & 7 (first time) there. Returning again, father's ashes in the still waters. More memories.

Name: Jonathan Drew
E-Mail: jonathan_DoT_drew_AT_talk21_DoT_com
From: UK
Date: Wed Jun 15 13:13:52 2005
Visits: No - but I will

I have an opportuity to make a first, solo, canoe journey this year and have chosen Quetico for many reasons, one of them being your very useful site. Thank you....

Name: Tamatha
E-Mail: tjmorgan72_AT_yahoo_DoT_com
From: Kansas
Date: Wed May 18 00:31:35 2005
Visits: Camped there a few times

Your website is very nice. I visited lake ester probably 5 years ago. It was the prettiest lake I've ever seen. Minnesota it's self is beautiful!

Name: Steve Lindemann
E-Mail: SD217_AT_sbcglobal_DoT_net
From: Oconomowoc/WI/USA
Date: Fri May 13 18:01:17 2005
Visits: Camped there a few times

Just got through viewing your pictures. They're awesome! I haven't been to the BWCAW for 9 years, but I'm headed back up with my oldest son June 9th. After seeing your pictures, I can't wait!

Name: George Scott
E-Mail: bgscott_AT_centurytel_DoT_net
From: Rio, WI
Date: Wed Apr 27 19:05:33 2005
Visits: Camped there a few times

Have only been to BWCA once but will be back this summer. Can't wait. Your site helps me visit often and relive memories. Thanks for putting this together.

Name: James Lowell Fry
E-Mail: jasfry2_AT_insightbb_DoT_com
From: Loves Park
Date: Fri Apr 22 22:09:55 2005
Visits: Camped there many times

This is one of the very best sites I have seen. Thank you so much. It is so nice to be able to take a break from the busy year and remember the quiet.... and peace is the BWCA.

Name: Peter Blair
E-Mail: blairsnorth_AT_rogers_DoT_com
From: Barrie, On, Can
Date: Fri Apr 15 12:26:05 2005
Visits: No

Wonderful site. It makes for a nice break from the pressures of work. I'll be takeing frequent lunch-time trips!

Please leave your thoughts too!

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