Boundary Waters portages Posted by: Eric Schneider Season/Year: Fall 00 Water Level: low Length: 480 rods Rating: difficult | Additional Perspectives: anonymous
Portage Description:
This portage is long and begins with a about a hundred yards of muskeg. (There were a couple of spots where our feet got a little wet. In Spring you'll definitely need boots here.) You'll cross a small stream then begin an uphill trek for the last half of the portage. There were a dozen trees down on the trail, but you can get through.
Lake after portage: Big Moose
Known campsites: 4
Lake Description:
Big Moose is a large lake with very good Walleye and Smallmouth fishing. Fish the rocks in the NW corner for Smallies. The water is fairly clear.
Portage from Big Moose into:
Portage into the Boundary Waters with