Yum Yum to Kahshahpiwi

Quetico portages
Posted by: Traveler
Season/Year: Summer 98
Water Level: average
Length: 220 rods
Rating: difficult
Additional Perspectives:
ymca camper

Portage Description:
This portage has a richly deserved reputation for misery. The first problem is that it's usually the 6th or 7th portage of the day (assuming one is traveling from North Bay), and few of those are short or easy. Yum-Yum (also known as Dum-Dum) begins with a marshy take-out which leads up the muddy drainpipe of a high ridge. When it rains, as it was during my last visit) you'll be slogging

Lake after portage: Kahshahpiwi
Known campsites: 2
Lake Description:

Kahshahpiwi is a beautiful lake under any circumstances, but after Dum-Dum it looks like the promised land. There are two campsites (at least) at the south end of the lake, offering immediate respite for the weary traveler.

Portage from Kahshahpiwi into:
Unnamed* *south of Kahshahpiwi
Return to Yum Yum
Unnamed* *between Kahshahpiwi and Joyce

Portage into Quetico Park with QuietJourney.com