To Touch A Dream (2 of 4)
by Breezy

Filled with grand visions of moose and bears, wolves and giant fish, we all stood bundled by the lakeside equipping ourselves for the conquest ahead. Armed with enthusiasm, yet doubtful of our capabilities and the unfortunate possibilities, we slithered, heavily laden, into the water and paddled gung-ho across to the pass on the other side. It was as if we were passing through a time warp into another lifetime. The air was cool and the sky was overcast, bringing to mind a phrase from one of my "books" describing this lake as "gray satin." How appropriate and how real!

It didn't take long for the realization of our physical condition to become evident by way of our aching muscles. We finally reached a portage with a suitable spot to stop, and after clumsily carrying our things over the rocks and relocating them in the canoes, we settled down to a gourmet lunch of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and punch. We couldn't have picked a better place, as the waterfall soothed us with its wild and passionate music. We were soon revived and satisfied, and we tumbled into our canoes and began again winding through the endless trail of lakes and portages.

Upon reaching our destination for the night, we quickly began the chores of setting up camp, finding wood for the fire, and starting supper. Carrying a 120# pack of food all day convinced us to change our menu schedule somewhat and begin with the heaviest food first. A heart-breaking decision, as this forced us to eat steaks and fried potatoes the first night. We all agreed we could live with that choice.

We warmed ourselves with a cup of mocha and watched hungrily as the steaks sizzled on the grill. The smoke wafted thru the air, swirling around our heads and advertising to the wilderness around us that man had invaded the territory again.

As evening arrived, a calm resignation set in and familiar forms turned into simple silhouettes, black against the flaming horizon, and we became a part of everything we saw. As the blackening forms stretched out and enveloped the world around us, the sad lonely call of a loon stirred some wild, indescribable emotion inside me and deepened the meloncholy mood, and drew out the desire to live as one with this untamed world.

Morning arrived cool and crisp. The sky was swirling with color and reminded me of the old saying, "red sky in the morning, sailors take warning."

Reviewing the previous day's portaging, and all the time spent setting up and breaking camp, we all agreed, over another meal of steaks, to forge ahead to the third night's destination and stay two nights there.
