If you found something at the end of a portage would you probably...
(For the nit-pickers among us lets say it's a nice knife and it's 4:00PM on a good sized lake. You can easily assume someone from the group you saw in the distance while making your way the portage lost it since it's next to fresh tracks in the mud and it looks like they have just now found a campsite a little out of your way. In any case, it's obvious it fell unnoticed out of someone's pocket a very short time ago but right now no one is within easy shouting distance.)

Leave it in plain view in case whoever lost it comes back for it.

Leave it there and paddle the 5 extra minutes you think it will take to get within earshot of the group you think probably lost it to let them know it's there.

Take it with you and paddle the 5 extra minutes you think it will take to get within earshot of the group you think probably lost it. But if it's not their's keep it.

Take it with you and do everything reasonably possible including posting to forums like this in hopes of finding the original owner. Keeping it only if you failed.

Put it in your pocket and, if ever asked, claim ignorance. Finders keepers losers weepers.

Not sure

If you have already added your answer please...