Update on Walmart Propane/Butane cylinders: I finally dug one of them out of storage from last winter and took it on a two week trip down the Basswood River and into Thursday Bay on Crooked Lake. I also had along an Optimus and an MSR cylinders. After a rest for several months the Walmart cyl did work properly but not always reliably. Sometimes it would not produce a vigorous flame, kind of fading out to a slow burn even when turned full throttle, and still with plenty of fuel left in the cyl.
Posted by: intrepid_camper Posted on: Nov 13th, 2019 at 6:07pm
Thank you ST and PD! Interesting information and yes, I went for the new Coleman canisters precisely because I have to travel to Ely or Crane Lake to get the others, when and if they have them. Anderson's and LaTourell's both had the brand specific canisters this summer when I needed them. Piragis also had them. Prices were all about the same and all had canisters mid-summer when the paddling season was "on". I noticed in my shopping at WalMart that they also have a smaller version burner, more like the PocketRocket.
Posted by: portage dog Posted on: Nov 12th, 2019 at 10:03pm
Excellent research ST! I agree totally with your assertion. I have not had problems with Coleman canisters because I don't buy them - something just looks/feels really low quality about them - seems for good reason. I have used MSR, Primus, and a few others without issue.
IC, your stoves are the MSR Pocket Rocket - (You need to Login or Register to view media files and links); I have a couple of these.
Posted by: solotripper Posted on: Nov 12th, 2019 at 9:59pm
More fuel details. Looks like Coleman may be the only odd man out, even if the quality is sketchy?
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Posted by: solotripper Posted on: Nov 12th, 2019 at 9:02pm
IC, If it turns out to be a thread problem on the Coleman cylinders with the MSR stove threading and you want to keep using Coleman because of price/availability, you might want to check out Coleman's version of burner?
The 2nd stove is more expensive but I that like it takes different type cylinders, so you can always have a back-up if you need it?
The 2nd one also has the option to use with a larger BULK tank, like a 5lb-11lb or even 20lb propane tank if you were camping in one spot for a while. Just need a different length hose you can get at ANY propane dealer.
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Posted by: intrepid_camper Posted on: Nov 12th, 2019 at 8:24pm
ST, That all makes sense and I tend to agree it has to do with that seal....I had other issues too, like too low gas output, yellow flames coming out lower than top of burner, no gas flow, etc. Which sounds like what you described. I did get both cylinders at the same WalMart and off the shelf next to each other. When I get a chance to try the burners/cylinders again I'll let you know what happens.
Posted by: solotripper Posted on: Nov 12th, 2019 at 2:37pm
I thought that too until I read this: (You need to Login or Register to view media files and links)
I found some other posts about the subject too. It talked about how you didn't have to use the MSR fuel cylinders only because, other stove brands fuel bottles would work as well.
The wild card seemed to be the Coleman Brand cylinders which are the cheapest and probably the ones they make the most of.
Maybe they make so many in more than one plant, they have QC issues? Having worked in QC for a while, I know how things can vary from batch to batch or with multiple vendors.
Posted by: MossBack Posted on: Nov 12th, 2019 at 4:27am
My own personal opinion is that all of the Butane/ Propane cylinders are manufactured in South Korea by the same company who private labels them as needed to the world. The thread forms and seals are too uniform to be made by multiple vendors. My guess would be you got a couple from the same bad lot.
Posted by: solotripper Posted on: Nov 12th, 2019 at 4:01am
I did a little searching online about your problem and could find nothing about it.
I did find some posts about people having issues with Coleman propane cylinders because more than one vendo makes them.
Issues had to do with some of them having threading issues that caused low pressure/ no fuel at all. The threads should be coarse and deep on the bottles. The bad ones were fine/shallow and didn't hold the seal.
Since your stove worked fine with those other fuel canisters but not the Coleman, I'm thinking it might be a threading issue? Maybe they worked the first time but the seal failed after sitting awhile.
One post talked about after having low pressure they removed and reattached stove every use which fixed their particular problem.