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Message started by tripper on Feb 25th, 2005 at 2:09am

Title: Re: Member Profiles    (are added here)
Post by Carl_Rogers on Jun 22nd, 2005 at 3:44am
Where do you live? On the eastern plains of Colorado.

Approximate number of previous nights spent canoe camping? Probably somewhat over 250 nights.

Do you have the gear or use an outfitterer?  I’ve got my own gear, enough to outfit a group of 9.

Preferred/Typical party size? 4 or less, but I’ve made a lot of trips with larger groups.

What length of trips do you do/available to do? Usually 7-9 days. I’d love to make a longer trip someday.

Preferred season? Mid-late May or anytime in the summer.
What % of the trip do you travel/base camp? We usually mix it up. We don’t usually stay in one place all week.

What difficulty level do you go for? It depends who I’m going with. My arthritis dictates avoiding the mountain goat trails but anything else can be an option.

What area of the park are you most familiar with and do you want to spend time there or explore new areas? Both. I’m committed to the northern entry points of Quetico. I like to explore new water but I’ve been on most of at one time or another. I’ve got my favorite spots.

Bow or stern preference? I’m the rear paddler.

What is your paddling rhythm? Steady. Don’t miss a stroke

Paddle the shoreline or beeline? Depends on the lake and the route. I paddle both but look for lee shores when the wind’s up.

How nasty of water are you comfortable paddling in? Comfortable? I’ve paddled in pretty nasty weather and always seemed to get where I’m going. I guess my comfort level is more about the people I’m responsible for. There have been some moments crossing Beaverhouse and Nym when the wind is from the west….

Do you have strong navigation/map skills? Depends who you ask. My son still harasses me for the time I got cocky on water I’d paddled before but in the distant past. I didn’t think I needed the map, and am still hearing about my insistence on “the right way”.Otherwise, when I do use a map my skills are adequate to keep us on course.

Do you usually single/double/triple/or? portage? Double

Do you carry everything on your back, or alot of hand carry? Both. Some things are hand carried, but we try to minimize it.

How well do you handle the mountain goat portages? Not so well anymore. I use a cane (I mean a walking stick. I’m too young to need a cane). If you see a canoe working it’s way across a portage carrying a pack but having three legs, it’ll be me.

How well do you handle the boot sucking bogs? They don’t bother me. You can always wade in and clean up at the end of the portage.

Camping Style
Would you rather cook or wash the dishes? Cook. I’m a pretty good cook and a pretty lousy dishwasher.
Fresh or dried foods? Both

Cook over a fire, or over a stove? Always a fire unless there’s a fire ban on.

Cook breakfast or breakfast bars? We do both. Cook on layover days and bars on travel days.

How many fish meals do you like to have during a trip? Every day. We plan our menus accordingly.

Hang the food pack or ground it? Ground it. The only time we’ve had bear trouble was when it was hung.

Axe? Saw? Both? Both

Sit around campfire all night OR wake at crack of dawn? (or both) It depends on the day (or night). I usually am up at dawn and sometimes stay up and listen and watch and sometimes just go to bed. The loons, the wolves, the fish jumping, the stars, the moonlight on still water. It doesn’t get much better than that.

On a travel day, what time do you like to hit the water? No sense burnin’ daylight, pilgrim. Saddle up!

How much time do you like to spend fishing? A lot. It’s a major feature for me.

Which species do you like to go after? I love catching northerns, I love eating walleyes. Lakers are a never-say-die challenge and smallies are just plain fun.

How much tackle to you bring? 3 small, flat boxes that fit along the inside of my Duluth pack. I keep one handy under my seat while traveling in case I want to trail a bait through fishy spots.

Are you good with a fillet knife? Good enough. The fish haven’t complained.

Do you have any medical conditions to be considered? I’m diabetic with arthritic knees, but neither have ever caused me to alter a route. You just do it.

Level of alcohol consumption? Zero

Are you a smoker? No

Is photography high on your list? It hasn’t been but I’ve decided it’s going to be. I’ve seen too many spots I wish I could look at again, but probably never will. (alas!)

Do you like to go after pictographs? I don’t go out of my way for them but do look for them when they’re on my route.

Do you like to go after waterfalls? I love waterfalls

Do you like to go after the northern lights? I enjoy watching them, but once you’ve seen them they’re pretty much the same.

If the bugs are bad, will it ruin the trip for you? No. You just do it. The bugs don’t eat all that much.

What weather conditions are difficult for you to deal with? None are difficult to deal with. You take what comes, enjoy it and adapt your plans accordingly. Lightning over the water is a cool sight as long as you’re not on it.

If we've got a problem, would you rather discuss it or bury it? Depends on the problem. If it’s a matter of tolerating, then I just do it, no big deal., If it’s about the safety of someone in the group then you better get it straightened out and dealt with.

Other than illness or injury what events or conditions would make you want to quit a trip early and head home? I’ve only cut one trip short. One of the people in my group developed a severe infection, spiked a fever and we brought him (and us) out in order to get him home to his doctor.

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