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Boundary Waters / Quetico Discussion Forums >> Rendezvous in the Boundary Waters and Quetico >> Member Profiles    (are added here)

Message started by tripper on Feb 25th, 2005 at 2:09am

Title: Re: Member Profiles    (are added here)
Post by PaddlerActuary on Jun 14th, 2005 at 12:45pm
Where do you live?  Arlington Heights, IL

Approximate number of previous nights spent canoe camping? 30

Do you have the gear or use an outfitterer? Use an outfitter for most gear

Preferred/Typical party size? 2 to 4; have chaperoned high school groups of 9

What length of trips do you do/available to do? 6 to 8 days

Preferred season? Summer

What % of the trip do you travel/base camp? Varies. Usually only 1 layover day, but am changing to use more.

What area of the park are you most familiar with and do you want to spend time there or explore new areas? I have not been to any area twice.
Bow or stern preference? Prefer stern.  

What is your paddling rhythm? Steady

Paddle the shoreline or beeline? Some of both. Beeline if trying to make some distance, otherwise shoreline.

How nasty of water are you comfortable paddling in? Moderate waves and wind.

Do you have strong navigation/map skills? Definitely

Do you usually single/double/triple/or? portage? Strictly double.

Do you carry everything on your back, or alot of hand carry? I usually have one hand occupied.

How well do you handle the mountain goat portages? I manage them, but am not thrilled with them.

How well do you handle the boot sucking bogs? I hate them.
Camping Style  
Would you rather cook or wash the dishes? Cook, by far.

Fresh or dried foods? A combination. I bring some fresh to supplement the outfitter's food.

Cook over a fire, or over a stove? Stove almost exclusively. Only exceptions are first night steaks, frying fish and baking lake trout in foil.

Cook breakfast or breakfast bars? Generally cook on layover days only.

How many fish meals do you like to have during a trip? Two or three in a week, plus some for appetizers.

Hang the food pack or ground it? Usually hang, but have hidden successfully.
Axe? Saw? Both? Both
Sit around campfire all night OR wake at crack of dawn? (or both) More likely to be an early riser.

On a travel day, what time do you like to hit the water? Between 7:30 and 9:00, depending on how fare we plan to go.
How much time do you like to spend fishing? As much as I can fit in.

Which species do you like to go after? Whatever's biting where I am. I enjoy catching smallies and northern and eating eyes and lake trout.

Are you good with a fillet knife? Mediocre.
Do you have any medical conditions to be considered? Not that have bothered me so far, except for high sensitivity to poison ivy, oak, etc.

Level of alcohol consumption? At most bring some wine for the first night steaks.

Is photography high on your list? Just enought for memories.

Do you like to go after pictographs? Not a priority.

Do you like to go after waterfalls? I love waterfalls.

Do you like to go after the northern lights? Yes, but don't often stay awake late enough.
If the bugs are bad, will it ruin the trip for you? They bother me, but don't ruin the trip.

What weather conditions are difficult for you to deal with? Extreme heat or constant rain.

If we've got a problem, would you rather discuss it or bury it? Discuss then bury.

Other than illness or injury what events or conditions would make you want to quit a trip early and head home? Equipment damaged beyond repair, such as tents destroyed in a storm.

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