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Boundary Waters / Quetico Discussion Forums >> Rendezvous in the Boundary Waters and Quetico >> 2024 Atikaki Flying for our walking wounded

Message started by Marten on Jul 1st, 2023 at 4:28pm

Title: Re: 2024 Atikaki Flying for our walking wounded
Post by Marten on Aug 17th, 2023 at 2:35pm
Tanya says they have flown hunters to Rundle and can get us there next year. With that info we can now plan on starting Atikaki2024 on Rundle. We should be able to bushwhack to Mystery Lake with a little work. Bush whacking to Black Lake will involve two unknown crossings. If it can be done there would be a physically difficult loop trip visiting Shiver, Rundle and Black. With our Inreach messengers we can change any of our changeout  flights with Bluewater Aviation.

For the most part this will be a basecamp style of trip. Arrival and exit would be from the same lake. Two tandem Kevlar canoes with Springcreek portage seats for solo paddling and portaging. I plan on tripping solo next year and will use my Pac boat 165. Each party will be independantly equipped. We will limit the first flying group to 4 paddlers as we have been too close to maximum weight with 5 paddlers and the canoes on the Otter. With leaner outfits we could still do 5 but would need to weigh and know our total weight ahead of time.

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