Where do you live?
Northern MN, about 1 hour south from either Ely or Crane Lake.
Approximate number of previous nights spent canoe camping?
Do you have the gear or use an outfitter?
I have all the gear, many variations I’ve tried over the years, and make some of my own tarps and packs.
Preferred/Typical party size?
Solo/two/sometimes 5-7 campers.
What length of trips do you do/available to do?
7 days is always too short, the average trip is 10 days. Have often gone 12-14 days. Wouldn’t mind going for 30-60 days given the chance.
Preferred season?
Mid-August to 3rd wk in September, and early-May through early-June.
What % of the trip do you travel/base camp?
75% travel, 25% base camping.
What difficulty level do you go for?
I don’t mind difficult travel. I kind of hate portages longer than 75 rods. I will generally paddle in any conditions with a spray skirt on my kayak, but get tired of bucking the wind all day. As I get older the difficulty bar is getting lower also.
What area of the park are you most familiar with and do you want to spend time there or explore new areas?
Most familiar with the southern third of the Quetico, the border areas, and from LaCroix northeast to Kawnipi and southeast to Saganaga and the Gunflint trail. I like to cover ground and see new lakes, bays, rocks and creeks.
Bow or stern preference?
Prefer solo paddling, and am proficient at stern canoe paddling. Since solo traveling in a kayak, any canoe feels like I am trying to paddle a box through the water.
What is your paddling rhythm?
Steady, moderate pace, generally all day (5-7 hours).
Paddle the shoreline or beeline?
Shoreline, always.
How nasty of water are you comfortable paddling in?
Anything regarding wind, but would quickly loose energy if paddling into a raging head wind. Often go in huge rollers as long as they are broadside or behind me. The kayak is small enough to float on top of the big ones like a cork. Nasty water on rivers I avoid, partly because I have no ability in white water, and partly not to take any chances when soloing. Cold water and the chance of falling in, in early spring and late fall, is also a mitigating factor.
Do you have strong navigation/map skills?
Yes, I use a compass and usually both Fisher and McKenzie maps of my route. On confusing lakes I note on the map where I am from time to time so I do not lose track of my progress.
Do you usually single/double/triple/or? portage?
Double and sometimes triple, especially early on when the food pack is heavy.
Do you carry everything on your back, or alot of hand carry?
The kayak requires small packs to fit in it, so at the portages I unload and put them in a large Duluth pack I have brought just for that purpose. The more I can manage in the larger single packs, the better.
How well do you handle the mountain goat portages?
No problem, but my loads have to be lighter. Doing them in the early morning avoids the mid-day heat and makes them seem easier.
How well do you handle the boot sucking bogs?
Takes me a moment at the edge to mentally prepare for diving in. I am still agile enough to manage the log balancing acts. I almost hate the 6” deep (shallow) muddy portage spots as much.
Camping Style
Would you rather cook or wash the dishes?
Wash the dishes.
Fresh or dried foods?
Fresh and boxed foods from the grocery store. Not much freeze dried.
Cook over a fire, or over a stove?
Fire almost exclusively, unless forced to take a stove due to drought.
Cook breakfast or breakfast bars?
When solo, coffee and gorp for breakfast. Oatmeal for group breakfasts. More elaborate fare if not traveling that day.
How many fish meals do you like to have during a trip?
I do not fish myself, but occasionally one of the group is successful and we will have fish at whatever meal of the day is convenient.
Hang the food pack or ground it?
Hang the pack except very occasionally when there is no suitable tree. If grounding, then I lash it to a tree or rock not far from my tent, put stuff on it to make noise if it is disturbed, and go to bed with a stout beaver stick to fend off burglars.
Axe? Saw? Both?
Sit around campfire all night OR wake at crack of dawn? (or both)
Usually to bed at dusk, and up shortly after daybreak. I never carry a watch and depend on my natural rhythms to tell me what time it is. I prefer traveling earlier in the day, so up and going as soon as possible most mornings. The bugs often have a lot to do with the time I hit the tent at night.
On a travel day, what time do you like to hit the water?
Generally find a group can get going by 8:00 a.m.
How much time do you like to spend fishing?
Which species do you like to go after?
I have caught some bass and walleye in my life. I like to use a fly rod.
How much tackle do you bring?
Are you good with a fillet knife?
Not at all. I do know how to disassemble a raw chicken tho.
Do you have any medical conditions to be considered?
55 year old body. Serious bee sting allergy (take an Epi-pen).
Level of alcohol consumption?
Almost none.
Is photography high on your list?
I like to have pictures of the trip, but tend not to take time to use the camera.
Do you like to go after pictographs?
I like to see them when available, but they are not my destination.
Do you like to go after waterfalls?
Yes, usually great scenery. Often also good campsites. I like to camp at the top to cut down on moisture and noise, far enough away that the noise does not get annoying.
Do you like to go after the northern lights?
Yes, but I often sleep through the best shows.
If the bugs are bad, will it ruin the trip for you?
I only mind the bugs if they are particularly persistent in biting. Then I may retreat to my tent and refuse to come out until the bug conditions change. Generally the bugs are not too bad, or the conditions will change soon enough.
What weather conditions are difficult for you to deal with?
Wet and cold weather at the same time. Wet is okay if I am warm enough and have an extra set of dry clothes and a dry sleeping bag to console me. Cold is not too bad if it is also dry weather.
If we've got a problem, would you rather discuss it or bury it?
Discuss. Altho I am stubborn and it will take some convincing to get me to compromise or bury it.
Other than illness or injury what events or conditions would make you want to quit a trip early and head home?
Dealing with camping companions who grouse, cry and whine about the conditions or with someone who is picking on, or provoking another of the party continually, making them miserable and the rest of us uncomfortable.