Re: Nectar of the gods

The Beam was an upgrade. It used to be Jack Daniels or Kesslers. I doubt there would be any argument on the smoothness of them. You need to toss off the Jack by the shot so as not to expose the palate to its caustic effects.The truth is that generally I am firing for effect, but am willing to lighten my wallet considerably for a worthwhile cause. Besides, my partners have been chiding me for my choice for several years now, so it is time for a change. Hopefully I can get Gibsons locally, the Makers Mark sounds interesting, but not readily available.
And if a phantom jug comes around, I'll be taking a pull.

Posted by Dwight on May 12, 2001 at 09:09

In reply to: Re: Nectar of the gods posted by muskrat on May 11, 2001 at 18:13
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