Robbie with his 24" eye. |
My son tempting a red squirrel while we wait for our tow back. |
My son at Silver Falls on day 1 of the trip, goofing around. |
My buddy yucking it up with an evening cocktail. |
Marko's 28" eye looks smaller than it was. |
Early evening from base camp in Kawnipi Lake. |
My son and my annual picture in front of our tent at base. |
My 27" eye on our departure day out of Kawnipi Lake. |
My son at portage on Falls Chain. |
Not a mirror image photo. Two loons surfaced near us. |
My son at Silver Falls on day 1 of the trip. |
1st of series. My son and friend always flip a canoe for fun. |
2nd of series. |
3rd of series. |
Another result of the intentional annual canoe flipping. |
Pulling into camp after a minor mishap. We swamped it. LOL |
My son jumping into Kawnipi Lake. |
My son after landing in Kawnipi Lake during a swim. |
Merganser with 17 ducklings. Had to be an adoption. |
The crew with dinner for the night. I'm in the bush hat. |
Evening fishing with our buddy approaching us solo. |
What's wrong with this picture? |
Lure in right arm. Forgot to smash the barbs and paid. |
Tarp in the trees after high winds and storm. |
Sunset on Kawnipi Lake. Ahhhh... |
My buddy approaching me. 2 big rocks in front/counterweight. :) |
My son with our Wenonah Sundowner. Hey, it's only 42 lbs! |
Kawnipi Lake evening sky. |
Shore lunch in Kawnipi Lake. |
Lots of wild Irises growing at a portage in the Falls Chain. |
Our crew on our last portage home. Silver Falls, Sag Lake. |
My son spotted this. Looks like a bust of an Indian. |