We need to get some chat going here...how about this...share with the group your scariest, most nerve wracking moment in a canoe. Mine was going across Snowbank lake in 1 to 2 foot white caps. A party of 6, which included 2-adults, and 4-teenagers, just left the drop off point, loaded with gear for a week on Disappointment Lake and we were heading for the portage trail on the east side of Snowbank, near the resort. When we left the drop off point, water was calm as glass...we rounded a large island and bingo...after paddling another 50-yards, got hit by a large blast of wind and the waves were soon pushing 2-feet. None of us had canoed in years and needless to say we were all freaked out...a polite way of saying scared as hell!!! We grouped the 3-canoes close together for faster rescue in event of capsize, kept the bows angled to the waves and rode the waves like a cowboy would ride a lame horse, all of us trying to relax and keep our hips loose so we could roll with, rather than fight against the waves. We paddled hard to get to that portage point...and fortunately made it without incident. We were all thankfull to have our bows on the shore. Amazed how a heavy loaded canoe can ride so well when mother nature decides to through wind, waves and spray at you. The youngest one in the group, 14-years old, actually knelt down on the portage entry and kissed the ground when we got there!! Took me about 10-minutes to pry the paddle handle from my fingers!! Posted by Randy B on January 07, 2000 at 12:03 |
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