Re: Water Quality and Mercury/PCB's

I lived in Cleveland for a while. There were multiple warnings about eating Lake Erie fish, yet the trout, walleye and yellow perch are heavily fished and marketed for the table. There were also multiple warnings re' how many fish were being taken and marketed to the extent of potentially closing seasons on perch.
The warnings were mostly that meals of bottom feeders (catfish, etc.) and trout should be limited to two meals a month. (PCBs and mercury reside in the fat cells of fish, and never leave the fishes body, as they never leave the water, being heavy metals and such.) This, from a lake whose tributaries caught fire once upon a time.

My cardiology profession and experience tell me that life is hazardous to your health. My research experience tells me that whoever has the money gets the results they want. If I worried about every thing that could possibly kill me, I'd die of worry.
I'm going to eat fish in reasonable amounts on my canoe trips. If it kills me, I hope I die in Quetico

Posted by Skip Guyer on April 13, 2000 at 22:40

In reply to: Water Quality and Mercury/PCB's posted by Bob on April 02, 2000 at 00:48
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