Hi There,
I've been an Emergency Medical Technician (13 years today)A Wilderness First Responder and ran around in the Army for a couple of years. Most of the gear that I carry can found at your local pharmacy or sporting goods store (REI)
2 5x9 abdominal pads
20 4x4 guaze pads (unsterile)
bunch o band aids
2 4" ace wraps
2 4" kerlix/kling (roller bandage)
1 roll fabric tape
1 roller of athletic tape
2 pr glove's
1 pocket face mask CPR
1 sam splint (REI) greatest things ever.
steri strips to close wounds
10 feet of duct tape wrapped around a black sharpie marker
benadryl for allergies including insect bites, talk to your doctor about use first.
Tylenol for pain
Advil for swelling
Pepto bismol for you know what
10 feet of accs. cord
1 large heavy garbage bag
2 cylalume glowsticks
multi-tool can double as a signal mirror
3 razor blades and matches in a film container.
small bottle of iodine tablets for water purifiction and if you triple the doseage you'll make an antiseptic for cuts and scapes.
A clear mind and common sence can handle any situation. I suggest that you read some of the books on wilderness medicine or take a first aid classs and improvise from there. good luck
Posted by Mark on June 02, 2000 at 10:48
In reply to: Re: first aid/survival pack for trip Thanks posted by muskrat on April 02, 2000 at 20:15