Re: 2001

I agree, Delahey is a 2-3 day jaunt from French or a solid 2 days from Pickerel (Stanton Bay). We have done this trip 4-5 times.

Hate to brag (kind of), but about 4 years ago in May my buddy (a top triathlete -- I know how to pick my paddling partners) and I did Delahey to Pickerel in one day, including a little fishing. Of course, the last few hours were in the dark, but I believe we finished the portage to our car before midnight, so we'll call it one day.

It was one of those rainy cold days where setting up/breaking down camp did not have much appeal, so just kept going. We used the Spring Peeper frogs croaking as a guide to where Stanton Bay was, since we could not see the opening to the bay! I would not recommend big water night paddling without pretty good knowledge of the lake!

Regarding the traffic on Delahey, we did have company on the lake a couple of days. It was a bummer to go that far in hopes of the "jar" campsite, only to find honeymooners there for who knows how long (and doing who knows what).

Posted by MNGreen on October 28, 2000 at 01:18

In reply to: Re: 2001 posted by Fisher on October 19, 2000 at 15:01
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