Re: Quetico route suggestions


Your itinerary looks do-able to me. Jesse would be a good target lake for Day One. I'd have to cast small plugs for smallmouth in Pickerel below Mosquito Point, all around the bay just before you portage into Maria. Never encountered bears between there & Lonely but heard enough horror stories to know they're there. There are decent campsites and good fishing just west of the big island on the east side of Jesse. The area between there and Lonely is quite good for moose and bald eagle sightings, as well. Check yourself over really good as you exit the portages, however. I've never encountered so many ticks! Also, if the beavers have been active, you may have a few more carryovers than planned as you enter Lonely from Walter. Try fishing for smallmouth where the stream enters Lonely just south of the portage to Yeh Lake. The portage into Sturgeon is allegedly easy but have never tried it myself. I agree with other postings regarding campsites on the northern end but there are also a couple nice ones near where the east wing cuts away from the body of Lonely.

Have a great time!


Posted by Jimbo on April 23, 2001 at 21:33

In reply to: Re: Quetico route suggestions posted by Mike Mc on January 13, 2001 at 11:08
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