Nobody really knows what happened to old Jack. Only fragments of his adventures remain in the minds of a short few. I am one of the few and would like to share what I can recall from my great Grandfather’s stories decades ago. Chapter one Yukon Jack was no Davy Crocket, in fact he would have kicked Davy’s ass. He was schooled in the arts of survival and rolling his own smokes. Jack was also very prolific when it came to the four frontier skills: Hunting, mining, fishing and brewing. Although Yukon Jacks fame was spreading by the time he was 25 years old, it was one incident that solidified his legendary status in America as well as in Canada. An escaped criminal and known opium addict known as “Grizzly Adams” had been seen climbing up what is now known as Yukon Peak. It was near the summit that the fateful meeting occurred. Adams had been smoking earlier that autumn day and accidentally set his golden mane ablaze. In a drug-induced hallucination, a grossly disfigured “grizzly” stumbled upon Jack’s stash of first run liquor, and began to swill the cool liquid. Jack was awakened from his slumber to find the intruder and an Indian named Nokomis helping themselves to his private nectar. With cat like movements, Yukon Jack made short work of Nokomis and turned to face the hideous Adams. Adams began to call out for somebody named Ben but his cries where cut short. Jack left the remains of the two intruders outside of his camp where a seemingly tame Grizzly Bear gorged on them for two days. This concludes chapter one. Posted by Jack on May 17, 2001 at 14:01 |
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