Let's see... Spam, even with its humorous reputation, is believe it or not actually pretty good when fried over a campfire. With the right ammount of syrup of course. I used to smuggle it in for the later days before I learned to actually catch fish on a regular basis. (And keep them over night) Squeeze butter is a given although I'm not really sure why. I do however draw the line way before Velveeta. Funny that both variations call for it. Heck, I didn't even realize it was sliceable. I always thought it was a squeeze tube sort of thing. Yuck! On the other hand I've loved some really stupid sounding things up there. Boxcars sounds like it might be another. Both versions will eventually find their way to the recipe page. ("It might change colors a bit"? What color is Spam supose to be???) On the other, other hand, Martha and her Target commercials have really started to give me the creaps lately. A trip with Martha? Would that be "a good thing"? I for one don't think so. (Don't go there guys... Give it a rest, little kids come here.) Posted by db on June 07, 2001 at 01:48 In reply to: Re: Creative Breakfasts' posted by Fred Bear on June 06, 2001 at 16:15 |
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